013: ceasar zeppeli.

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"I'll take the couch"

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"I'll take the couch".


Long days. You hated those. Lisa Lisa had been training you nonstop alongside Joseph. She said to help him be more encouraged, that she'd put your fate in his hand; every time he did something wrong then you'd also be punished. Apparently, Joseph didn't care much because everything he did something. He did it wrong, dismissively. He always apologized, but never tried to better himself— it was the epitome of annoying.

"Just hang out, Bella." Ceasar would whisper into your ear noticing the exhaustion on your face. How could Joseph be this ignorant?

"You seem extremely tired tonight, I'll take the couch so you don't feel so tight" He tried to comfort you, but all you needed was him to stay.

"No, stay." You muttered, snuggling into his side with a loud sigh. The final fight against the pillar men was approaching rather quickly, and Joseph's idiotic choices of challenging Wamuu only made everything much more pressuring.

"As you wish, mio cara" He spoke softly, pulling you into his arms delicately; he looked at you and pressed his lips against your momentarily. God, you were so happy here inhaling his nostalgic scent.

"I love you, no matter what— no pillar man, no god, and no devil can separate us" Ceasar smiled, leaning in to fully kiss you lovingly. You obviously returned the kiss, and thanked the heavens above that they had blessed you with a beautiful husband.

"I love you more, Ceasar Zeppeli. More than you can ever imagine." You whispered letting his sweet nothings lull you into a sleep.

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