008: narancia ghirga.

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"Why didn't you call me?"

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"Why didn't you call me?"


You sighed softly at the book you were reading. Though, you found it complicated to concentrate on the piece of literature that laid in front of you. There was anxiety prickling at your nerves for quite a while now. After the boss' orders to protect his daughter, you found it hard to relax even inside a safe turtle that the boss had ensured would keep you all away from danger.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked you, laying their head on your shoulder; their purpleish hair tickling your neck gently. You turned to look at Narancia and smiled with absolute adoration for the teen.

"Of course... just a teeny tiny bit nervous" You replied, placing your head on top of his; he stared at you for a while and intertwined his fingers with you so innocently it made your heart squeeze in your chest.

"I would never let anything happen to you, bella" He murmured, pecking your lips quickly and then going back to looking away with a proud smirk. You and Narancia were complex, none of you knew how to approach each other about the status of your relationship but weren't afraid to kiss, hold hands, or cuddle. It was odd. Even Abbacchio had told you on multiple occasions that whatever you and Narancia had was odd. Then, thing took a turn and you found yourself on guard with your stand beside you eyeing around with utmost caution.

"There's two enemies, one of them has the ability to kill people by making them age and the other one has an unknown ability" Bruno said, stepping outside of the turtle to handle the situation, Narancia had aged badly and most of them were out cold with the exception of Bruno, you, and Mista. Mista was outside dealing with the man who killed all passengers with his age stand. You couldn't just stand there, after all, the aging thing hadn't affected you yet because you drank a cold sprite beforehand. With nothing much to do, you moved away from Narancia and went outside to help Mista who laid on the ground half dead.

Proscuitto was his name, the two of you had engaged in combat and ended up beside the train on the ground with severe injuries. He wasn't alive anymore, but you were. Barely. Your head was bleeding profusely, and your ribs had broken from the hard fall you took.

"Narancia" You whispered hoarsely, your vision failing a bit; you gasped and tried to catch your breath but your lungs were barely even stabilized enough to produce actual air. The pain was unbearable, and felt like a thousand different nails piercing you every second. Then, everything turned black.

When you woke up, you were in a better place with your head laying on Narancia's lap; inside the turtle. He was rubbing your head, and glanced down at you with an angry frown. "Why didn't you call me?" He spat, you sat up and hugged him tightly so happy that he was alive.

"You were a grandpa and I was afraid that you'd die if you got any closer to Proscuitto" You stated, burying your face in his neck; you held him for dear life afraid that he'd leave you.

"Narancia, I love you, please stay with me until the end of this trip— and when we go back to Naples please say you'll go on a date with me" You spoke, he blushed and pulled you even closer.

"When we're back in Naples, i'll go to school, make you my girlfriend then my wife" He stated firmly, kissing your lips with love.

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