011: jotaro kujo.

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"Can't believe I married you

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"Can't believe I married you."


Morioh was truly such a beautiful, calm, yet alive city. You and Jotaro had found yourself on another adventure to seek out Joseph's bastard son which still cracked you up to know about. That sly Joseph Joestar. You and Jotaro had been dating since the 50 days in Egypt, and recently got engaged when both of you where 28. You still had yet to actually seal the engagement mostly because of the amount of work he was drowning in. Not to mention the fact that you too, as a neurosurgeon, had a lot of work to do. Currently you sat on his lap, your hands wrapped around his lovingly as you two enjoyed the sunny weather.

"Jotaro.." You muttered earning a questioning hum from your lover. You shifted a bit, and then began to speak; "Have you thought about a small wedding here?" You asked slightly nervous. He was quiet for about 1 minutes before giving you a silent nod. You knew he wanted to get married— it was just a matter of time management.

"Isn't it a good time now?" You asked with slight anxiety, he held onto you tighter and your breath hitched in slightly regret. "I-I mean we're surrounded by family.. Mister Joestar— Josuke, and I just— I want to be with you" You didn't have to explain, Jotaro understood and was thinking of ways how this could be perfect.

"It doesn't have to be perfect— It can be small-".


Surely, that caught off guard. You turned to look at him and widened your eyes, he didn't grin or smile but the eyes he had glinted with love. You smiled i'm return, and placed your lips upon his slowly.

As the two of you broke the news out to your relatives, they became excited and hyper for the abrupt wedding. Josuke insisted his mom baked the cake, and Okuyasu just cried because he didn't know if he was invited until you said yes because he's family too which only resulted in bigger tears from the boy. Needless to say, you were happy. Extremely happy.

When the day arrived, you stood outside the church with your feet impatiently tapping. You were nervous. Jotaro, your future, stood at the altar waiting and all you had to do was walk. It wasn't a walk you'd regret either. You were adorned in a white lace skin tight dress with a long mermaid tale. Despite being told to wear heels, you choose to wear white sneakers.

"You ready?" You heard Mister Joestar ask, yes, you had asked him to walk you mostly because he was the father figure you've never had. He sobbed when you asked, and after tons of pats— he eventually stopped crying and said yes.

"Oh yeah just—"

"Nervous? It's okay everyone gets the wedding jitters but it doesn't mean you don't want to marry Jotaro— right?" He asked slightly concerned. "He's my grandson but if you feel like you're doing something against your will then now is—".

"I'm okay, I do want to marry Jotaro but i'm worried that I won't be enough for him" You whispered, Mister Joestar gave you a hug and kept you there for a few minutes.

"If you weren't Jotaro would not have insisted you two get married or even asked me for advice on how to be a good husband" He chuckled, that made you smile and feel more confident.

"I'm ready" You murmured, he gave you a nod and the doors opened; the wedding bells rang. It was a moment that you'd never forget.. neither would you forget the look he wore. A soft look that made you melt because Jotaro was looking at you like that. You could hear Okuyasu cheering, and Yukako squealing about your dress but it felt like your senses could only focus on Jotaro. Scenes of when you two were younger played in your subconscious and you evidently found yourself grinning.

"What's your name bitch?"

"Watch your mouth, and since you asked oh-so nicely.. it's [Y/N] [L/N]"

"Jotaro I'm scared, he's Dio what if—"

"I'll protect you."

"If you care about me don't just leave me here!"

"What do you want, woman!?"

"Kiss me!"

"I think i'm in love with you, Jotaro".

"I think I am too".

When you finally stood in front of Jotaro, your nerves eased and you found yourself content with your choice. He was the one, and you were sure of it. The wedding dragged on, and vows of eternal love were shared. He had kissed you ever so lightly and muttered his beloved phrase when his family wolf whistled loudly. As you two walked away towards the beach for the reception, he couldn't help but chuckle at your white sneakers.

"Should've guessed, troublesome woman" He spoke amusedly, your cheeks turned pink and you spared him a single glance.

"I can't believe I married you" You stated and leaned closer into his embrace.

"Well believe it" He said, "Only god knows why you'd even want to marry me" Jotaro stated, rubbing his thumb against your side.

"Guess now is a good time to break out the news that i'm pregnant! also it's a girl!" You said ecstatically, he turned to look at you with wide eyes and as if on cue— Okuyasu yelled for you.

"GOTTA GO!" You giggled.

Bringing the tip of his hat down, Jotaro sighed and muttered; "Yare Yare" then he halted and looked at the sky. "Thank you..".

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