005. pannacotta fugo.

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Missions were always easy especially when you worked with Fugo, Bruno never gave you guys a complex mission that would be impossible to complete. He separated you from Mista because of the lack of work that gets done. When you were with Guido, you tended to slack off and goof out until you realized that your mission had failed. So as punishment, he moved Mista with Giorno and left you with the most silent one; Fugo. He rarely said anything to you, and preferred to get work done. Once he did, he'd read a book or study.

Today, however, the mission took a turn so here you were with a big gash on your left thigh. Your stand, Red Corvette, beside you ready to fight but realistically speaking, it be a while before you could move.

"Fugo!?" You yelled in an attempt to locate the blonde, last time you saw him he was running away from battle with purple haze right on his trail.

"FUGO!" You yelled louder, the enemy had taken off after slashing you but not without you ripping their arm apart out of sheer anger. Nevertheless, your priority wasn't to lie around hopelessly. It was to find your partner so you stood up with a wince and limped around trying to seek him out. You found Fugo in a corner surrounded by bodies that had been affected by purple haze's virus. Unsure of whether you'd be contaminated too, you kept your distance and sighed in relief.

"I'm happy you're okay" You said causing him to jump back frightened, tears were streaming down his tear stained cheeks. It broke your heart. Seriously.

"DON'T LOOK!" He yelled, cowering in his little corner with his head in his hands.

"Fugo, it's okay, I promise it's okay.. come on let me see if you're wounded" You said reassuringly but he wasn't entirely okay with the idea of heading over to where you were.

"I-I think Purple Haze is really pretty, and plus you saved my ass.. if not by you then I would've been dead" I spoke again.

"You're just saying that for the sake of the gang!" He yelled angrily, his tone was scary and with his aggressive nature; you became wary but didn't show it. He wouldn't purposely hurt you.

"No, i'm serious. I mean it, if it wasn't for you then I would've been dead so please.. just come over here so we can go home together" You stated with your hands outstretched, Fugo turned to look slowly at you and began to make his way with slow steps until finally he collided against your chest.

"I don't want you to see.." He hiccuped, "The horror of my s-stand.." Fugo cried, you held onto him closely as if he was a delicate flower that could break at any moment.

"It's okay, It's okay..." You whispered, pressing your lips against his head in a comforting manner. "I would never think of you any differently" Those words made Fugo feel more at ease. He felt okay.

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