002. bruno bucciarati.

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"Get out

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"Get out."


My heart palpitated against my chest at an irrational speed. Today was the day my boyfriend returned from a business trip, and to say I was happy about it is a complete understatement. The ring of the bell snapped me out of my pondering thoughts. I couldn't help the excitement from furiously coursing through my veins especially not after I opened the door and saw the most beautiful man standing behind it. Though, he seemed completely off. He didn't wear his usual smile but instead had a phlegmatic look replacing it.

"Bruno, amore, is everything?" I asked feeling my anxiety rise within my chest.

"[Y/N].. may I come in?" He never called me by my first name, it worried me. It really did. I nodded and granted him entry. The air in the room suddenly felt much heavier— almost suffocating me.

"There's something I need to tell you" Bruno said, taking a seat on the couch opposite from where I sat. "I always kept this a secret from you so you would never have to worry about it but it seems fate has taken a different route".

"Bruno, what is going on?".

"I am a capo, of the Passione gang.. I am truly sorry I lied to you so many times, I just thought it'd be best I didn't tell you or else things might've worsened for us— for you. Now that I am Capo, there's a lot of threats and—"

"Get Out." My voice came firm, but faltered at the ending. For years, I knew Bruno as someone reliable who picked me up after my parents had been ruthlessly killed by the boss of Passione for trying to find out his identity. He'd help me so much, and now— he was revealing himself as a gang of that toxic gang who did nothing but cause corruption.

"Tesoro, please understand—".

"Just go, Bruno" The tears that brimmed in the corner of my eyes fell against my skirt, and respectfully; he walked away with a sad look.


It was extremely difficult to wrap your head around the fact that your loving boyfriend of two years, best friend since you were tiny— was a entire capo. I had spent last night crying and trying to come down to a conclusion because truly, I loved Bruno. I did. He was the sole reason I breathe. That's why, this morning I dressed in a colorful sundress and matched it with a pair of skin toned sandals. I was making my way to Libeccio where he'd mostly spend his time doing god knows what.

"Ah, Ms. [Y/L/N], here to see Bucciarati?" The man standing by the door beamed, I gave him a small nose and nervously walked inside to search for Bruno. He was situated in a table surrounding by guys who I assumed were also gangsters— each doing their own thing.

"Hey Bucciarati.." The one with the orange headband said pointing behind him, Bruno glanced over his shoulders and immediately stood up with wide eyes. Despite his indifferent look, I could tell he hadn't slept at all. I ran to him and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to kick you out last night, because I want to be with you, but I am so afraid.." I said feeling my eyes water, Bruno placed his hand behind my head and pulled me closer with a small sigh of relief.

"Mio Cara, you know i'd never let anyone hurt you for you are far too valuable" He stated, I pulled away and gave him a nod of trust. He pecked my lips gently and then pulled away so I could meet his friends. His family. His children.

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