Snakes everywhere

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The next day while I was cleaning someone's bathroom, Trozran popped in

"Hello Laura, how are you doing on this beautiful day" he cheerfully greeted

"Not bad, what are you here for?" I asked wondering what he was going to do

"Just here to set something on you, that's all" snapping his fingers he disappeared. Not thinking about it I continued on with what I was doing until I looked around me to see 5 different types of pythons around 

"Stupid demon" I muttered as I groaned and got up. All the snakes were slithering around the bathroom floor. Not wanting any to get out I closed the door trapping me inside with them. "As long as they don't hurt me I should be good," I told myself before seeing a huge Burmese python stretched out on the ground from the door, across the counter with his body stopping halfway at the back wall "Oh hell fucking no" I mouthed before quickly dialing 911

"911, what's your emergency?" the lady asked

"Um yes I need animal control to come because I have about 5 pythons in the bathroom," I told her

"Ok ma'am, can I have the address?" she asked

"Oh yes it's 1470 Oak Pine Forest Rd" just then I saw one of the smaller pythons try to get inside the toilet "No you can't go in there" I quietly said to it while carefully setting him on the ground then I sat on top of the toilet

"They are on their way. Is there any way you can get out of the room that they are in?" she asked

"No, because they might get in the toilet so I'm in the bathroom with them while sitting on the toilet," I told her

"Yes ma'am, just stay calm and don't aggravate them animal control is on their way"

"Thank you" I hung up on her and hugged my knees close to myself while watching that Burmese Python closely

"So how's the cleaning going?" Trozran asked popping in with a bag of chips in his hand

"You bitch! Why couldn't it be just a bunch of pythons that were babies? But no~ you had to bring a god damn Burmese Python in here!"

"Are you scared of them?" he asked

"I'm scared of the fact that it could eat me if it really wanted to," I told him

"Good," he said popping out with another one right in his place but this one much bigger

"They better fucking hurrying up," I said just then the front door opened

"Hello? Where are you?" I heard a man ask I carefully walked over to the door making sure to avoid the second Burmese python before going out the door

"Up here" I yelled as a lot of footsteps were heard coming upstairs. A group of about 6 men came upstairs

"They're in the bathroom right?" one of them asked

"Yes sir," I told him

"You'll need to stand outside while we do this," another one said I nodded and went outside far away from the house while they got the snakes out. It took them several minutes and struggled to get both the Burmese out since they started fighting each other. While I was waiting for them to do this the owner came home

"What in the bloody world is going on?" she exclaimed confused by what was happening

"Um snakes got inside your house Mrs. Osborne" I mumbled to her

"Oh dear"

"All the snakes are out ma'am. Do you know how they got into the house?" they asked

"Um honestly I don't know I was cleaning and then they appeared"

"Strange, snakes like these shouldn't even be this close or in this state. That is unusual"

"Is there a fee for you doing this?" I asked

"Considering how many there were, no" as they left I turned to Mrs. Osborne "I'm sorry this happened in your house, Mrs. Osborne. I didn't get the bathroom cleaned fully"

"It's ok Laura. After having that happen here are a few extra bucks just for your troubles" she said handing me an extra $10

"Are you sure?" I asked her

"Yeah, no one should have to have this happen to them" I thanked her before heading back home and getting ready for my night shift today.


"Hey everyone" I greeted as I walked into the coffee shop. As I turned around heading toward the freezer a corn snake appeared that was slithering on the floor. Groaning I grabbed it then threw it outside before shutting the door.

Halfway through my shift I had already picked up and seen about 10 different snakes, all nonvenomous, that was until a cobra, and a python appeared in the freezer making another employees scream and slam the door shut

"Someone call animal control! There are snakes in the freezer!" she yelled for everyone to hear. It was silent before our current customers walked out of the building

"Anastasia" the manager hissed

"Sorry but they are, go look for yourself" the manager sighed before calling them. Thank god it wasn't the same people from last time. That would have been awkward. After that was done, we were told that we could go home since no one was going to come in after that.

"That stupid fucking demon. I'll kill him next time" I muttered to myself

"What are you going to do?" popping up next to me

"AH!" I yelled before slapping his face "Idiot! Twice you've made snakes appear where I am. Fucking stop it or you're going to get stabbed!" I told him

"I'm just trying to do my job that's all"

"Well, how about you do it somewhere else. It's only the second day and I'm already done with your shit!" I continued walking ignoring him.

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