The Aftermath

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That event is what broke Laura. She didn't come out of her room for days on end. She told her parents that she didn't feel good and didn't want to come out of her room. She didn't eat either while she sat in her room. All she did was cry as she was had flashbacks of that terrifying event that Lucy had Trozran put her in.

One day, while Laura was sitting alone in her room, Slenderman came by and tried to cheer her up but she was too scared to go. Even when Slenderman came into her room she jumped and hid beneath her bed before he said that it was him.

After Laura spent days on end in her room her parents took her to a doctor to see what was wrong with her. Upon coming into the doctor's office she cried and didn't stop crying until they got her into a room. Then when the doctor came in she was jumpy and skittish at everything he did.

"Well I can't find anything that's wrong with her but I don't think it's physically that is wrong with her" the doctor came back and said

"What do you mean?" Laura's mother asked

"I think she needs to see a physiatrist," the doctor said before giving them the slip with a doctor's name on it and where to go see them. They then drove to the place that the doctor said and saw her. Upon walking into the office of the building Laura didn't cry like she did at the doctor's but was still jumpy and looking around at everything.

"Laura," an assistant said they all got up and followed them into a rather large room with a desk and several comfy chairs. A woman stood there

"Hi Laura, I'm Doctor April" the woman introduced holding out her hand Laura jumped at it but shook it cautiously. The woman wrote something down on the clipboard she had while moving onto the couch that was across from the big comfy chairs "Please sit. Now can you tell me when this happened?" she asked

"Well, one night while everyone was sleeping we heard Laura screaming and thrashing around in her room. This went on for about an hour until my husband and I came into her room to see her curled up in the corner looking around confused. She said she was fine and went to bed after that but over the next several days into a week she didn't eat or come out of her room so we took her to the doctors. They said nothing was wrong with her and told us to come here" Laura's mother explained

"Thank you for that" April wrote down on her clipboard, "Now I would like to ask you to leave as I ask Laura some questions" she politely asked they both understood and walked out. When they were out April turned to Laura who had been looking around the room and acting very skittish to every little movement "Laura" April quietly said the girl turned to her "I need you to tell me everything from start to end without leaving anything out. I know it may sound crazy to me but I need to know what happened so I can help you" she asked kindly to Laura who in hearing this busted out crying terrified of what she was about to reveal before spilling everything. Everything from her first encounter with Trozran to the events from the funhouse. Laura cried her eyes out while telling April that she had dealt with all of this for so long and now she just wants it to stop. "It's ok Laura, we'll get you help don't worry," April said while holding Laura close calming her down. When she finally calmed down she fell asleep from the amount of stress she just released.

April went out to her parents to tell them what she thought was wrong

"It seems like she has been having an episode of schizophrenia that has gone on what seems to be for several months. Has she ever told you of any of the things she's been through?" April asked

"No, what has she gone through?" April just gave somethings that Laura said but not everything. Her parents were surprised

"We didn't know," her father said

"It also seems that because of this last episode it has caused her to have depression majorly. I am assuming that this recent episode of schizophrenia has given her slight PTSD. I'm going to prescribed her some medication for her depression and schizophrenia and also have her see me twice a week and a visit with a priest I know to get rid of this so-called demon that she thinks is following her" April said while writing all this down in her file then giving her parents a slip with the medication and phone number of the priest. "I'll go get her," April said as she went back inside her office to see that Laura was still asleep. She picked her up and brought her to her parents. Her dad took her as they walked down to the pharmacy to get the prescription. 

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