Nothings everlast forever

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For the next two weeks, Laura repeatedly went to therapy and a priest. With the help of the medication and the visits, she started to feel much better. The priest gave her a necklace to help keep away evil spirits and demons. Eventually, Laura started going back to school like normal with no demons or encounters with things. She was still skittish while around people and would still be seen looking around her environment cautiously. 


"You idiot! Why haven't you done anything to Laura! She seems fine! Why haven't you done anything to her?! That last time did it but now she is back!" Lucy yelled while throwing stuff around her room

"I told you before I can't get near her. She must have a pendant or something on her that keeps away demons" Trozran explained

"She does have this long necklace on her. I'll see what I can do" Lucy said thinking "But once I get that necklace off you better go after her" Lucy said

"Don't worry, I will" Trozran flashed out

"You are not getting away Laura," she said as she grabbed a few things.


I woke up from sleeping with the same headache that I always had in the mornings "Ouch" I groaned as I got ready for school. "Week 3 day 4 today is going to be a good day," I said as I went downstairs "Morning mom," I said

"Hey hon, how are you feeling this morning?" she asked

"Eh, the same. I still have a headache" I told her as I got breakfast ready

"Aw I'm sorry at least the medicine is working"

"Yeah, I see Father Murphy today don't I?" I asked her

"Yep, you do. Don't forget"

"I won't," I said finishing and cleaning up before grabbing my stuff and heading out

"You're wearing your necklaces right?" she asked I pulled the necklace up to show her before walking out. Ever since that first meeting with Doctor April, my life has been so much better. No Trozran, no monsters, no strange encounters

"Ah this is bliss," I told myself as I headed to school. When I got there I saw Lucy "Hey Lucy," I said

"Oh, hey Laura," she said smiling

"How are you this morning?" I asked her as we walked down the hallway

"I'm good, what's that?" she asked pointing to my necklace

"Oh it's a necklace I have to wear it," I told her as I fumbled with it

"Can I see it?" she asked

"Um, I'm not supposed to take it off," I told her

"Come on it will be quick," she told me I cautiously gave it to her

"Oh wow, this is beautiful. Let me show my friends real quick" she said taking it to her group of friends before I could say anything. I saw her and her friends then they all looking down at the floor before Lucy bent down and picked up something

*Don't tell me it's broken* I thought she then walked over here holding the necklace in two pieces

"I am so sorry, Laura. I accidentally dropped it. I can buy you another one, how much was it?" she asked

"This wasn't mine. Someone gave it to me" I told her

"Oh" the bell rang "Well, I am so sorry for doing that," she said before walking away

*What am I going to do?* I thought as I walked to class.

All-day I was constantly looking around and over my shoulder waiting for that fucker to come.

"I can't take this anymore," I told myself before texting my mom and asking for her to check me out. She texted why and I told her that I needed to see Father Murphy she didn't question it further and immediately came and got me. We headed to the Church which was a long way out but it was worth going out there.

When we got there I jumped out of the car and ran inside. When I got inside I went up to the little desk that was beside the Sanctuary

"What can I do for you ma'am?" the woman there asked

"I need to see Father Murphy, is he here?" I asked

"Yes but he is with someone right now could you wait?"

"How much longer —" just then he came from out of the Sanctuary talking to some young man. They shook hands before Father Murphy turned to me

"Laura, why are you here?" he asked confused

"I needed to talk to you Father," I told him before showing him the necklace

"Come with me" he rushed both of us into the sanctuary before going to his office where he kept the necklace "How did this happen?" he asked as he got another one

"My friend broke it. She asked to see it and then ran off to show her friends before I could say anything" I confessed he sighed

"This is the first time that's happened to someone" he handed me another one "Don't take this off for anything or anybody," he told me seriously

"Yes sir, I won't take it off," I said as I was putting it on I caught a glimpse of Trozran making me jump

"What's wrong, child?" he asked

"I thought — it's nothing probably just a bird," I told him

"Ok do you want to start our meeting since you are here?" he asked I nodded before we headed back into the sanctuary.


After our meeting, I walked outside and was about to head to the car until I saw Trozran clear as day standing there in the empty parking lot. I froze then rubbed my eyes and looked back up but still saw him. I ran to the car and jumped in grabbing my backpack and my pills

"What's wrong Laura?" my mom asked concerned

"I see him, I see him" I took two pills without water then looked to where Trozran was and he was still there. I almost took two more until mom stopped me

"You're not supposed to take that much," she told me I broke down

"He's still there, he's still there" I mumbled while holding onto her shirt. She rubbed my back processing what I had just said before getting out of the car and bringing me back into the church

"Father Murphy!" she exclaimed he turned to us

"What's wrong?" he asked

"He's here, he's here"

"Who's here child?" leaning down toward me

"Trozran" his eyes widened as he knew about the demon who's haunted me the last several months

"You said he's here, where exactly he is?" I shakily pointed my finger to where he was in the parking lot they both looked toward there "Come with me" he said as he took us to where they baptist people "I need you to help me" he told my mom as he grabbed the holy water and poured it into the tub that was there. She agreed and helped him with filling up the tub with water as he blessed the water and put crosses around "Laura, I need you to get in the tub for me please?" he asked I nodded and got inside.

Now during my meetings with Father Murphy, we would talk and read the scripture then end with him sprinkling holy water on my head while asking for protection of me from God. This was major if I was getting inside the tub that they used for actual baptizing. When I got inside my mom started to rub the water all over my arms, legs and on my head as Father Murphy said something out of a book that was thick and looked old. After reading he took each cross and placed it inside the tub around me before him and my mother prayed while holding hands around me.

After they did that I was told to get out and was handed a towel to dry off with "What did you do?" I asked him

"An old protection and baptizing to help you. Not once have I ever heard of anyone seeing a demon this close to a church before. I also put protection over this church so no evil can get in it. Don't worry child, you are safe. Keep that necklace on at all times ok" he explained I nodded before we headed out to the car. What he did worked because Trozran wasn't there anymore.

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