Dogs from Hell (pt 2)

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After feeding them, I decided to hang out on the couch in the living room as I watched a movie with all of them laying around. About three of them laid on the couch with me while the rest were scattered on the ground. Halfway through the movie, I heard the garage door open "Oh shit" I said all the dogs woke up and started barking making it ear-deafeningly loud "Quiet!" I yelled over them they all stopped and looking at me "Stay" I said walking downstairs to see that my mom had come home "Hey mom" I said

"Hey hon, how was your day?" she asked going upstairs

"It was good um—"

"Where the hell did they come from?!!" she yelled I ran upstairs and saw her looking at all the dogs that were there

"I can explain, they got lost and —wait" I walked up to one of the Cerberus, there was only one head "What the—there were—what?!" I said as I looked around it carefully waving my hand where the other heads should have but weren't.

"Hon, what are you doing? And why are there 8 dogs here!" she shouted at me

"They just wandered into our yard and I couldn't find their owner," I told her as they licked my face while staring her down. She sighed heading into the kitchen "Come on guys" I told them walking upstairs with them following me.

Later that night when my dad got home I heard both my parents talking from in the kitchen. From the attitude, my dad was giving off he wasn't in the mood to talk about it right now.

"Our daughter has 8 dogs up there right now. What are we going to do about it?" she asked him raising her voice a little bit

"I don't know Carol but I don't care" I heard my dad say

"Don't walk away Richar, we are talking!" she yelled

*Oh shit* I curled up knowing what was about to happen. All the dogs whimpered as they huddled around me and kissed my face. Lots of noise and yelling followed as things were thrown and stuff was said before hearing loud footsteps proceeding upstairs. Every dog turned toward the door as it opened to reveal my dad who had a few beers after a long day but wasn't drunk

"Man, she wasn't kidding when she said that there were 8 dogs up here" taking a sip of the beer that was in his hand. He walked toward my bed "If she wants them out that bad then here" he grabbed the back of one of the black dog's neck only to have it bite his wrist and growl at him "You damn dog" he said before smashing the beer bottle over the dog's head. That only made everything worse. As he did that the dog didn't go down but attacked him ripping his shirt and tearing at his chest then the others followed

"Stop it!" I yelled but they didn't listen "STOP!!!" I yelled louder they all stopped looking over at me. I walked over to my dad who was now laying on the floor in pain with gashes all over his body. I picked him up and took him into his bathroom then cleaned and wrapped him up. He passed out before I could start cleaning him. When I was done I left him laying on the floor where he was before returning into my room where every dog had their ears down and back "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you guys for that. Thanks for protecting me" I told them softly as I petted their heads they all perked up and licked me. I went to bed that night feeling protected by the 8 dogs who surrounded me.


My parents decided to keep the dogs since we couldn't find their owner and the phone number on their collars didn't work. After that night, my dad stayed away from me or any of the dogs as they were more protective of me now anyway.

One day while I was laying around with them, Trozran popped in

"Man, sorry I've been busy. How are— where did the dogs come from?" he asked looking around Lilith walked up to him and sniffed then growled at him "Oh wait are you— oh shit" Trozran flashed out of there fast with all 8 dogs following after him

"Oh wow so that's how they came here," I said as I watched Trozran pop in briefly only to be followed by them then pop back out. It was a game of teleportation tag. Trozran finally returned without the dogs behind him "Where did they go?" I asked him

"I think I lost them in the lava hills anyways how have you been?" He asked

"Good so how did they come here in the first place?" I asked him

"Oh you see I played a little trick on Mr. Satan by taking some of his hounds but forgetting where I put them" he explained

"Wait so you took them but forgot where you put them? So they just happened to appear in my room?"

"No, I put them somewhere but when I came back to that place they were all gone. They must have teleported to your room but I don't know why. They only teleport to hell and then to places that feel safe to them"

"Maybe they like me," I told him going back to what I was doing

"No they don't like humans," he said just then they all appeared behind him "Oh hi guys" they growled at him viciously "Ah" Trozran flashed out but the dogs couldn't

"It's ok guys you'll get him next time," I told them as I petted them.


Days went by after that quickly until a door appeared in the middle of my room. It opened and a deep hellish voice said "Come" all the dogs whimpered and crawled closer to me then the door closed, twirled around as a man that was short appeared "You know you aren't allowed outside of your cages. Now come" he said every dog whined, "Enough, come your master has been waiting for you" he pointed toward the door which again appeared. None of them moved

"Um, sir sorry to interrupt but just who are you?" I asked getting off my bed

"Oh, I am so very sorry Miss. I'm Beelzebub, one of Satan's personal demons"

"Satan's personal demons? Wait then why are you here?"

"To take back his hounds which have mysteriously disappeared out of their cages"

"They didn't disappear, sir. The demon, Trozran, took them and somehow they ended up in my room. If you don't mind me asking but how do you take care of them?" I asked

"Well, they get daily training that is heavily involved and are fed every other day. They usually stay in their cages and aren't allowed to roam outside of their area" he explained, "Wait did you say Trozran? As in that mange demon who is taking orders from Andras?"

"Is that his boss's name? Huh didn't know that?" I said

"Andras can be a pain the ass sometimes with all his demons running around doing his stupid dirty work for him," he said, "Can I have the hounds back now?"

"I don't think they want to go back. You said that you were feeding them every other day, why? And why only keep them in their cages?" I asked suspiciously

"It's to teach them obediences and makes them easier to control"

"This sounds like animal abuse," I told him

"It's not now come hounds," he said again they didn't move from behind me Lilith stood beside me like always. I touched her head and slowly petted it

"What are you doing? No, bad Lilith" he said

"That's what's wrong. You use them like machines and think you can control them but what you don't realize is that these dogs, these hounds are animals too. They need love and attention they don't always have to be trained and worked to death" I went off on him

"Love and attention doesn't build killers" he shot back I smirked

"Attack" they immediately went after him making him run through the door with all 8 dogs after him. The door went away after they went through it.

"Please don't forget me" I whispered as I got back into my bed.

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