Don't mess with me

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As my alarm went off, I groaned and rolled over hitting the snooze button "A couple more minutes" mumbling I went back to sleep. Ten more minutes went by my alarm blared again. Again I hit snoozed still tired from the previous nights.

"Laura! Get up!! You'll be late for school!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs

"Huh?" I mutter turning over to see that I only had about 10 minutes to get ready "OH SHIT!!!" I screamed throwing the covers off while slinging some clothes on sprinting downstairs. Frantically I packed my bag and grabbed something to eat as I headed to school.

While on the way to school there was this wreck or something that had the whole road stopped. I took a different route to school that was longer which made me two minutes late to school. As I stepped out of the car there was a puddle of water, from last night when it rained, that I stepped in making my shoe soaked "Gross" I said as I headed into the school.

At lunch, I was already exhausted from the number of tests and quizzes we had today. Luckily I've studied for them and knew the material. I couldn't get anything else but actual food at lunch since my account didn't have enough money and I didn't have any more to give the lunch lady. After lunch, I was sitting in my next period class before I heard

"Alright class, get out your books we are going to read" as we were searching through our bags I couldn't find the book.

*I know I put it in here somewhere* I kept looking through my bag in every pocket and zipper that it could be in. Then I remembered that it was sitting on my desk from last night when I was reading it "Oh shit" I whispered

"Does everyone have them out?" the teacher asked as she looked around the room "Laura, where is yours?" she asked

"Oh, I um, left it at home," I told her she frowned

"You need it for what we are doing today. Look on with someone else then" I moved over to the closest person that I knew.

The next period we were doing a lab in science and someone split a liquid or something on me ruining the shirt I was wearing so I had to find another one that would fit me in the lost and found bucket.

Someone pulled the fire alarm making everyone got outside.

A fight happened in the hall during class changes.

On the way home someone hit my car.

By the time I was home I had, had enough of today.

"I'm just gonna go to sleep and not wake up until tomorrow," I told myself before my phone buzzed with a message from my boss.

'We don't have one of our cashiers today so we need you to come in' I screamed letting everything inside me out. Then the demon popped in right in the middle of my screaming

"I didn't know someone could have so much energy in one scream," he said

"Have you put a spell or anything on me today?" I asked him

"No, I haven't done anything to you. I've been busy with my other clients" sighing I got up and started walking to my car

"All day I've had bad luck. I was late for school, there was a fight, a wreck, etc." I told him

"Hm interesting. Well, I'll leave you to it," he said as he popped out.

While I was at work there were these little ducks that would be everywhere I look. Other people even started to notice them too. As my shift went on the more and more of them I would find. Until I opened the fridge and a whole mountain of them fell on top of me. My coworkers came to my rescue

"Are you ok? Where did all of these ducks come from?" they asked

"That fucking bastard" that mountain was the only one that we found that had most ducks in one place. After my shift, I grabbed the key from when Slender gave it to me a few weeks ago and got him here.

"Hello again Laura, how are you doing?" he kindly asked

"Not so great Slenderman sir" then I spilled out everything that happened and what I thought Trozran did to me with exaggeration for effect. An eery aura grew around Slenderman

"Where's that wretched demon spawn" that's when I called him in

"You cal—" before he could finish Slenderman grabbed him and teleported out. Satisfied, I went on to sleep. In the middle of the night, a huge heap of something landed on my bed near my feet waking me up. I turned on my lamp and saw that it was Trozran looking more beaten up than last time

"How are you not afraid of him?!!!" he asked hushed

"Because I'm his favorite and I haven't pissed him off"

"What are those people that he has. They are sicker than I am"

"His proxies, they live with him. When you make them mad then that's when they are like that" I mentioned

"Well, I'll see ya later," he said popping out. I went right back to sleep not caring.

He didn't mess with me for about a week after that interaction with Slenderman.

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