Black and White

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This morning I woke up then got dressed. I was half asleep so I didn't know what I grabbed as I put it on.

"Is it still dark outside?" I asked glancing at my phone seeing it was 6:13 am "Yeah, it is" I went to the bathroom and then headed downstairs. "I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night," I told myself as I yawned becoming even more tired as I fell asleep on the couch.


"Laura wake up!" I jolted up

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes

"You're going to be late" looking at my phone I saw I only had 10 minutes until school started

"Oh, shit" I sprinted as I grabbed everything I needed then headed to school.

On the way to school, I noticed that everything looked grey. The sky didn't seem like it was cloudy or anything "I'm starting to get a bad feeling about today" pulling up to school I noticed that all the cars in the parking lot were the same grey color, some darker or lighter than others. Walking into the school even seemed different as the grass and the building were that same grey color. Confused and worried I headed to the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

There was a dull film over my eyes. They looked duller than usual "Wha-what?" I was scared and confused "What is happening?" I asked out loud

"Your vision is black and white" Trozran appeared

"What did you do?" I asked marching up to him. He smirked

"Oh nothing, just turned your vision black and white. You 're not colorblind so don't worry"

"You did what?!! You messed with my vision!" I yelled thankful that no one else was in there.

"Yeah, it was really hard to do that. I had to do it while you were asleep" my whole body clenched up in rage

"You- you don't just do that to someone! I like being able to see colors for your information!"

"Just doing my job" he said flashing out. Groaning I walked out of the bathroom.


I never knew how miserable the world was without color. Every room and wall seemed so dull and not vibrate anymore.

"Hey Laura, are you feeling ok today?" Lucy asked coming up to me in the hallway

"Not really but it's ok," I told her

"Oh really, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing"

"Come on I want to know what's wrong. We are friends after all" being persistent and smiling

*That smile seems oddly mischievous today* I thought

"Um, my vision is kind of..."


"It's um dull I guess you could say" she looked confused by this

"Dull? How can your vision be dull? Are you colorblind?" she asked

"No apparently not. It's just my vision is black and white"

*She is not going to believe this*

"Strange," she said

"Yeah" we arrived at my next class

"Well see you later," she said walking away I sighed as I walked into class and sat in my seat

"Hey Laura"

"Huh?" I turned to see Trozran standing there. I jumped "What are you doing here?" I asked hushedly looking around

"Who's that girl you were talking to?" he asked pointing to the door that the teacher was closing now

"My friend, why?" I asked him

"Just curious, I've never seen any of your friends," he said before flashing out

"Alright class," the teacher said before starting class.


I was so glad that school had ended "Yes finally!" I said running out to my car

"Laura, wait!" I heard Lucy yell

"Oh Lucy, what are you doing?" I asked her

"I don't have a ride home. Can you take me?" she asked a nervous feeling appeared in my stomach

"Um sure" I agreed as we both got in the car and headed out.

Now I've never been to Lucy's house she has always come to mine. I've asked her if I could come over a couple of times before but she always would say that I can't or that her family is doing something. And I've never seen or met her parents either so having her ask me to take her to her house is strange for me.

While I was driving I felt as though I was being judged or watched by her. When I glanced over at her, she was looking around my car almost like she was inspecting or searching for something

"You ok Lucy?" I asked she stopped and sat back

"Yeah, I'm fine. Turn right up here" she said pointing in front. When I turned we were in a neighborhood called "Autumn Wood". "It's the house right there," she said pointing to a decent size house. It had four windows on the top and one on either side of the front door. There was a garage to the side of the house. The color of the house was a dark maroon-purple with the front door black and the trim of each window black.

*Why did she never let me come to her house? It doesn't look that bad* I thought as I looked at it

"Well, thanks for the drive home. Your car is very nice" she said getting out and walking up to her house

"Lucy" she turned around "Why didn't you ever let me come to your house?" I asked "Your house looks fine if that's what it was"

"My parents are very picky who I let inside our house," she said as she continued to walk. Quickly I wrote down her address and then headed back home. 

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