A meeting with Satan?!!!

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After that event with Father Murphy, I didn't see Trozran anymore. Meaning whatever he did was working which made me happy. 

At school, Lucy seemed more interested in this necklace than the last one. She was more persistent with seeing it and wanting to touch it. I didn't allow her to do that tough. After she broke the last one causing me to see Trozran, I'm not letting that happen again. Eventually, she stopped asking about my necklace and seemed more distance than usual always with her other friends never really talking to me anymore.

*I hope I didn't hurt her in any way* I thought heading home one day. That day I didn't have an appointment so I decided to take a nap as I was more tired than usual.



An explosion woke me up from my deep slumber to see a man in a black suit and red tie with his jet black hair slicked back. His skin was a dark olive tone color with his eyes dark red

*Woah* I thought as I was looking at this man

"Trozran, you mangy animal. Why do I always have to clean up after you" the man said wiping a hand over his face before looking at me

*Wait, did he just say Trozran?* I thought

"Are you Laura, the person Trozran's been cursing?" the man asked

*He said it again. He must know him meaning HE'S A DEMON TOO!!* without thinking I jumped up and ran toward the kitchen frantically looking for salt. When I found it I created a circle around me and started praying while holding Father Murphy's necklace. I heard footsteps walking toward me then stopped

"Oh" was all he said before he continued to walk toward me "Um Laura?" I continued only to start crying. "Pl-please stop crying. I'm not here to hurt you"

"That's what they always say before they do!!" I yelled before continuing with my prayer

"Uh can you at least tell me what Trozran has done to you?" he asked I could feel his presence closer to me now

"A lot" I mumbled

"Can you name off some?" he asked

"Why do you need to know? Aren't you going to do the same things he did to me!?" I looked up seeing him crouched down outside the salt

"No, I'm trying to fix what he's done. What he's done is against what the demons of Hell are supposed to do"

"Why do you care? Who are you anyway?" I asked annoyed

"Well if you want to know Laura, I'm Satan, King of Hell" chills went down my spine and throughout my entire body

"Please, don't hurt me" I pleaded, shaking with fear. He stood up

"Laura, please step out of the circle. We need to talk. If you do that I can promise you protection from Trozran" he offered while holding his arm out

"Protection but how?"

"Step out of there and you'll see," I thought about it then hesitatingly took his hand stepping out of the circle. He took us over to the couch in the living room "You said Trozran's done a lot to you. Can you name some of what he's done?"

"Made me hear voices, made a Wendigo chase me, trapped me with tons of snakes, made a mustache appear on my face that wasn't real, oh, and trapped me in a funhouse full of my own nightmares that chased me. He's done more but those are just a few" Satan's mouth hung open

"That little—" he stopped as he composed himself

"So why are you so interested in Trozran?" I asked him, taken back by this he answered 

"The King of Hell's job is to make sure Hell is run smoothly and the souls that come down there are taken care of. But recently I've found out that there is a group that is going against what you're supposed to do in Hell. Trozran became apart of this group after I fired him. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, I think. You want to catch the people who are acting like criminals and not doing what they are supposed to do and you think if you catch Trozran you can catch the rest of them, right?" he nodded, "Well, Trozran called himself a cursed demon saying that someone had cursed me with him. His job is to cause me fear," I told him

"Interesting," he said thinking

"You said you could protect me from him. How exactly can you do that?"

"Unlike me, Trozran is just a normal demon with a job to obey me. There are things I can do that he can't do such as protecting certain people like you but it seems you've had help with that" he gestured to my necklace

"Yeah, but why isn't this warding you off? What's the difference?"

"That one isn't as strong as your previous one. Your current one is a little weaker allowing upper-class demons to still come but warding off demons such as Trozran"

"The difference is just who's stronger or more upper-class?"

"Yeah, basically. I doubt this but has Trozran ever taken you to the place where he works?" he asked

"Maybe," I thought harder, "Oh yeah! He dragged me into Hell for a bet that he had with someone called Ipos, I think. The building that we were at had several office spaces inside with different demons working" I explained to him

"That should be enough information for me to work off of. Thanks" he said standing up

"What about my protection?" I asked him

"Oh yeah," he snapped his fingers and my necklace glowed then dimmed

"What did you do?" I asked him

"Just added more protection to that so you won't be able to see Trozran and he can't get near you just make sure to wear that at all times," Satan said before flashing out of there in a cloud of black smoke.

"Well, this is going to be an interesting conversation with April," I said before going back to sleep. 

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