A Killer Weight

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When I arrived at school I was tired. More tired than usual. Maybe it was because I stayed up all night crying replaying what I did in those woods. Killing that monster made me realize that it takes a lot for a person to kill something.

*I regret all those times I praised Jeff and them for being serial killers* I thought as I walked through the hallway

"Hey, Laura wait up!" I heard someone say turning around I saw that it was Lucy one of my close friends

"Oh hey Lucy" my voice low she looked at me concerned

"Are you ok? You don't seem like yourself today" she told me

"It's nothing, just tired. Didn't get much sleep last night"

"Ah, I feel ya. I stayed up all night working on homework" she laughed I just cracked a small smile as we both headed to our first period.

Throughout the day, I felt the weight of my anxiety heavy over me. I didn't talk to anyone willingly unless I had to.

"I think I need to talk to Slendy," I told myself mentally noting that I need to call him when I get home. I remembered what Sam and Dean said when they were here how my mystery person sounded like they were a witch

*But how do I know who's a witch and who isn't?* I looked around seeing who could be one. *By the looks no one looks to be one* This was going to be harder than I thought.


When I got home, I went to one of the doors in the house and used the key that Slenderman gave to me

"Hello Laura, how long has it been?" Slenderman asked

"A couple of weeks I guess. I need to talk to you about something" I told him

"What worries you, my child?" he asked seeing my distress

"Um, so recently Trozran put me in this forest and had a Wendigo chase after me. And um I couldn't find a way out because the forest seemed to go on forever so I had to do something to it but I didn't know what. That was until I came upon its cave when it was sleeping. It's afraid of fire so I burnt tree branches around it hoping it would die but it didn't. It jumped over to me and tackled me down, I stabbed it in the eye and then climbed onto it's back and kept stabbing it until it was dead then I burnt it" I told him this with tears in my eyes. Eventually leading to me break down again in front of Slenderman. He took one of his tentacles and picked up my face then wiped the tears away with another

"You've never killed anything have you?" he asked I shook my head taking a shaky breathe "Child, you did nothing wrong. Nothing is wrong with you. You are not a monster. You did what you had to so you wouldn't die. Come, I want to show you something" he said as he took us to what I assumed was his office. It was a small room that was mostly filled with books and bookshelves there was also a tall mahogany desk. It was cluttered with papers and folders on the top of it "Sit" gesturing to one of the two chairs that sat in front of his desk. I sat down wiping the rest of the tears away Slenderman went over to one of the shelves running his tentacle against it as he looked for something "Here it is" he said pulling out a massive book with its pages aged and the cover dark and dusty. He set the thing down in front of me then sat in his desk chair "Look through it" I looked down at it then slowly opened the book up. The first thing that I saw was the Title which said

"Kill Record vol. 1"

As I looked through the book it had what I assumed everyone that Slenderman's proxies have killed. It had the picture of the person, their birth and death dates, their and their family's names and status, a description of them, and then at the bottom, it had why they were killed then the signature of who did the killing. As I looked through the book I noticed most of the people killed were because they were being snoopy and trying to figure out something they weren't supposed to know about. Other pages didn't have much description of them except for who they were, their death date and why they died and who did it.

"Why did you show this to me?" I asked him as I flipped to the last page

"Read," he said pointing to the page I looked at it

"It's an Oath?" I said as I read down it was a guideline to why they kill and why those people are chosen "But why did you show this to me?" I asked

"The reason I wanted to show this to you is that we kill for a reason. We don't just kill for fun even though some of us do" he glared probably referring to a couple of people that do "Laura, you killed that wendigo for a reason so don't feel bad about doing it. As long as you have a good enough reason for killing it then you have no reason to feel bad about it" he told me I smiled then got up and hugged him

"Thanks, I-I needed this" one of his tentacles patted my head. A knock was heard from his door. I let go of him smiling

"Come in," he said when the door opened Jeff the Killer walked in

"Oh, what is she doing here?"

"None of your concern, what did you want?" Slenderman asks

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Alone" Jeff stared at me shrugging I started walking toward the door 

"Hey, Jeff where's Ben?"

"Playing video games in his room, why?"

"Just wondering," I said as I closed the door and then headed to where Ben's room was last I remembered. "Ben, are you in here?" I asked knocking on his door it opened revealing BenDrowned in some dark pajamas

"Laura? What are you doing here?" he asked leaning against the doorframe

"I was wondering if I could play video games with you? Slenderman is talking to Jeff right now so I can't go home" I told him

"Sure" shrugging he opened the door letting me in then walking over to his PS2 console. We started playing some games eventually getting really into the games as we started yelling at each other for winning. It was late when we heard Slenderman call everyone down for dinner.

When we got downstairs everyone was sitting at the table waiting

"What is she doing here?" Eyeless Jack asked making everyone turn and look at me

"Hey Slenderman, I should probably be head home now," I told him

"Right. You guys can eat, I need to take Laura back home" he said as he walked over to me before teleporting me back home where we heard my mom yelling my name throughout the house

"See ya later," I told him before he teleported again "Now, I have to face my mom".

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