Don't piss off Satan

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"You summoned be Lucy," Trozran said popping up in Lucy's bedroom

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about what I plan on doing next to Laura"

"Great, so what are—" suddenly Trozran was teleported out of Lucy's room forcefully and into the throne room of Satan, himself. Confused and dazed he looked around wondering what happened until he noticed where he was "Oh, your majesty what a surprise to see you. What is it tha—"

"Stop your flattery you wretched demon" he waved his hand and his guards walked away Trozran looked at them as terror went through his body

"Wh-what is happening?" he asked Satan in an insist flew from his throne, grabbed Trozran by the throat and slammed him into the wall behind him with his wings out

"What is the goal of Hell?" he asked but Trozran didn't answer as he only looked as though a deer in headlights. Satan flew back and then into the wall with the shoulder's of Trozran "What is Hell's main purpose!!" he yelled

"T-t-t to make sure the people—souls travel here comfortably—safely" he stuttered

"Now tell me what is something that I don't tolerate" again he was like a deer in headlights. Satan gripped him tightly "Something that I don't tolerate, Trozran!" getting up in his face

"Disgracing Hell's name and purpose" he muttered intimidated

"Then tell me" he pulled him close "Why are you doing that" he whispered

"Wh-what sir?" frustrated Satan through Trozran to the other side of the room

"You heard me, why are you disgracing the name of Hell!!!!" flying above Trozran

"I don't know what you mean sir?" he asked

"Do you think I'm dumb? I'M THE KING OF HELL!! I KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN MY CASTLE!! NOW TELL ME WHY HAVE YOU BEEN DISGRACING HELL'S NAME BY SCARYING LAURA!!!!!!!" he yelled shaking the entire building and growing bigger and bigger with rage

"Oh Laura, well why didn't you just say that. Well you see she summoned me through a ritual that allows me to scary her" he lied fire encircled around Trozran

"Lies" Satan flew down and brought in his wings "Just for your information. I have spies that tell me all about what happens in this kingdom. I was recently informed that a certain girl by the name of Laura has been hackled by one of our demons. So learning about this I visited her only to find out that you have been sent to her upon cursing her and being told to scary her by any means possible" Satan walked around the ring of fire while saying this to Trozran "Did you know that you have severally scared this girl?" no response "Now, I know you work for someone who is undermining me and you guys plan to spread hate and terror upon the name of Hell. If you tell me who you are currently working for then I will let you go and you won't be harmed but if you don't" he chuckled deeply "You might want to corporate so you don't have to know what happens if you don't" Trozran didn't say anything but fell to the ground on his knees. The flames around him extinguished and guards helped him up to take him away. That was before suddenly a flash of lightning came down on the guards and Trozran. When it was gone the guards were dead and Trozran was gone

"You're going to wish you had talked Trozran" Satan commented walking back to his throne after looking at what was left.


Trozran was flashed into the office of Ipos

"What did you do that for? Why did you do that?" Trozran asked his partner and friend

"He is on to us. I had to get you out of there before you spill anything about us" he told him as he reached his hand for a bottle of something red and pouring it into a glass

"Now he is going to be after me. I can't do anything and he knows about Laura"

"Don't worry, I'm sending someone else to her while you are kept here for the time being," he said

"Ipos, he knows something is going on. He has people around. We can't trust anyone" he warned

"I know, we have to be extra careful with how we go forward from this day" with that Ipos plotted what his next steps were in his plan.

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