Shax, the protector

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As Laura was sitting home one day after therapy Satan and another demon flashed in. Scared she hid beneath the covers of the blanket she had

"Laura don't be scared it's me, Satan" he announced softly slowly she peeked out from under the blanket

"Who's the one next to you" the demon that was standing next to Satan was a red-bearded, red-haired man who wore black shoes, grey sweatpants and a red shirt with some writing that was colored in white. The man's figure was muscularly built but small as he stood a foot and a half shorter than the King of Hell

"This is Shax, he is here to protect you under my orders" he explained

"Protect me from what? This necklace is supposed to protect me" Laura said while holding it up Shax shuddered in fear upon seeing it. Satan snapped his fingers

"He is here to protect you from whoever Trozran is working with since I talked to Trozran about it but he didn't tell me much before he was flashed out with some help" Laura looked between Shax and Satan

"Why is he here if this is supposed to protect against demons?" she asked

"Shax is an upper ranked demon. He's one of my most trusted generals"

"Generals! You have demon generals?!" Laura asked in surprise

"Yes, just as you do. I have to go now but Shax will be here to protect you" before he left he turned to Shax and whispered something to him that seemed to be in Latin then flashed out of the room.

"So you're Laura?" he asked

"And your name is Shax," she remarked "And you're supposed to protect me from...what?" she questioned

"Whoever is the one trying to scare you" he responded plain and dry sounding. Laura then got up walking away then coming back with salt setting it down on the table beside her

"Try anything funny and I won't hesitate to throw this on you until you scream bloody murder" Shax looked shocked then nodded promptly "If you can't tell I'm scared of you guys" she mentioned before returning to whatever she was doing.


Later that day, while Laura was sleeping at night Shax was still there watching over her beside her bed on the ground. While he was sitting there he felt a disturbance in the air as he could sense another demon that had appeared. Quietly he stood up and flashed out to where this demon was who had been sent here by Ipos to scare Laura in place of Trozran. When Shax got to the demon he wasted no time in attacking the poor demon drilling him against the ground. The demon reacted to this by kicking and punching Shax. Eventually, he let go of him and they both took to the sky and fought up there until Shax cast a spell that sent the demon flying far back eventually sending him back to where he had come from. After the fight, Shax changed himself into new clothes returning to Laura's bedside where he remained for the rest of the night.


The demon that Shax sent flying ended up at the office of Ipos crashing into a filing cabinet making a lot of noise. Ipos and Trozran came running out

"What are you doing here!" Ipos scolded him


"What is it?" Ipos asked shaking the poor demon's shoulders

"I did as I was told and went there but there was someone there too. They attacked me and then I was sent back here" he muttered out

"Son of a bitch. We'll too late" Ipos said walking into his office and pausing before throwing everything off his desk and screaming in anger "Son of a bitch!!" he yelled clutching his head while staring up at the ceiling

"Don't worry we'll figure something out" Trozran reassured him

"What, what can we do? Answer me what can we do that will help us?"

"We still have Lucy. She's friends with Laura. She is also a witch" Ipos smiled at this patting Trozran on the shoulder

"You, my friend, have just helped us get back on track," Ipos said as he sat back in his seat "Here's the plan". 

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