The ugly mustache

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Yawning, I woke up and hopped in the shower. As I was washing my body I felt like something was on my face. I put my hand up to touch my face only to feel that I had hair right under my nose. Scared, I immediately jumped out of the shower rushing over to the mirror. When I wiped the steam away I saw a huge, hairy mustache under my nose. I screamed bloody murder.

"What what's wrong?" my dad asked rushing into the bathroom as I was on the floor, wrapped in a towel, crying "Wh-what's wrong?" he asked gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I blubbered out incoherent words "What?" this time I looked up and pointed to where the mustache was

"I don't see anything"

"How could you miss it? It's right there. This ugly mustache" he had a face of confusion

"Darling, you don't have a mustache and if you do it is small" my face dropped

"So you're saying I don't have anything on my face?" he nodded

*That fucking bitch!* "Dad, can you get out so I can finish my shower?" he left as I finished it.

I couldn't fucking believe this guy. The nerve to make a girl think she has facial hair that is huge on her face but makes it all in her head. I could feel it and see it but it wasn't really there. It was like a schizophrenic episode without having to take the drugs for it.

Again while I was cleaning someone's house he popped in

"So how's my favorite cursed friend doing?" in response, I threw a brush at him but he ducked it "What was that for?" I threw another and another one until he got hit "Hey, stop it!"

"Then how about you stop it you jerk! Making me think I have a god damn mustache while it's all in my head. You're sick for doing that" I argued

"Ok, ok no need to get fussy. I'm just doing my job"

"Then how about you quit it before I do something for you to stop"

"Can't do that. I won't get paid if I don't do my job right" mad I turned right back to work "Well I'll see you in a little bit" as he popped out

"How about no" groaning I went back to work.

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