| 1 | Stalker

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You walked into the classroom with a weary glance. You'd prefer to be anywhere but here. You hated school, since it involved having to sit with classmates you barely even talked to, and you had to listen to a boring teacher drone on about subjects that you could care less about. The only reason you were here is because without good grades, you wouldn't end up with a good job.

You aspired to actually work in a proper job, unlike him. You took a seat in the empty classroom, pulling out a thick reading book. You began to flick through the worn pages, finding where you last stopped reading. You began to get lost in the story.

You favoured stories over your own life. In the many stories you read, the protagonists, though they went through a lot of bad things, mostly got a happy ending. Where was your story? Where was the happy ending you'd always desired, ever since you were a child? The only thing that happened to you was that you suffered immensely. . .

Your grip on the book grew tighter. You took in a small breath and attempted to calm yourself down. There would be no use in getting angry over what happened now. It was over. . . Well, you hoped it was over.

You waited patiently for the only person that made your school life bearable as your eyes scanned the words in front of you. That person was your closest friend, Dae. She was the only one who knew what you went through as a child, and ever since then, has always been there for you, no matter what.

She and her small family took you in when you had no place to go, and to this day, they continued to look after you. They respected your wishes and ensured that that man had no way of getting access to you, meaning they didn't report you to the police.

You were so relieved that they were all understanding of your situation and didn't judge you for not wanting to risk getting caught by him again.

You stopped reading when movement caught the corner of your eye. You were no longer reading and your gaze now focused on the man who had just entered the classroom. Now, there was someone who always seemed to pique your interest. Oh Sangwoo. He was the kindest, and the most popular kid in your class. He was also extremely intelligent, which you envied. Unlike him, you were just an average student in the classroom. You weren't doing the greatest, yet on the other hand, you weren't doing too bad either.

You had once considered asking him to tutor you, but then you thought it over and decided against it. The reason for this was because you couldn't shake this feeling that Sangwoo was hiding something behind that calm and collected demeanour. There were times when you caught glimpses of someone who was not so kind and caring as he showed himself to be in front of others.

You tried your best to avoid him, but lately, it seemed to be nearly impossible. Oh Sangwoo had now attempted numerous times to interact with you, and you couldn't fathom as to why. You never talked to him, or worked with him before, so why did he suddenly grow this interest in you? Every time he attempted to talk to you, you always blocked his voice out. You began to notice that what you were doing was beginning to get him irritated.

Dae questioned you plenty of times about why you didn't pursue a conversation with him. You told her the same thing every single time. You felt that there was something. . . Wrong with him. She, however, didn't take your words to heart and even tried to urge you to talk back to Sangwoo.

She didn't get it. If she saw what you saw with her own eyes, she'd keep well away from him as well. During lessons, the blonde seemed to be constantly lost in thought. He always had this smile on his lips, but you could tell that it was not a smile originating from kindness. It gave you the coldest of chills. But it seemed that whatever you saw, the others didn't. It made you slowly think that you were only imagining that twisted grin because of that feeling of yours that something about Sangwoo was off.

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