Here's the story. Technically, Chapter 1

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Raven made a secret smile. She loved to watch Beast Boy play his video games. He would have so much fun, and his laugh when he won was so excited, almost like a child's.

"Yeah!" he laughed. "Did you see that, Rae?"

Raven nodded and looked down at the book in her lap. Under her hood, she blushed. He was the only one who called her that, and she had to admit, it made her heart flutter.

No, she had to remind herself. Stop feeling. You'll kill everything.

Raven stood and walked to her room, leaving Cyborg and Beast Boy to their games. Lately, her powers had begun to work on their own. She knew it was her feelings. She had to get them under control, else she put everyone in danger.

That couldn't happen.

She shut her door behind her the conventional way, unwilling to use her magic. What if something went wrong? Raven pulled her cape off, laying it down on her bed. She sat in the middle of her room, crossing her legs and placing her hands comfortably on her knees.

She took a deep breath--


--and released it in a huff. She stood and answered her door, finding Beast Boy with a worried look. "What?" she asked in a monotone.

"Are you okay, Rae?" he asked quietly, looking from the floor to her face. "You seem a little quiet."

"I'm always quiet," she answered, doing her best not to reveal herself.

"Why aren't you using your powers?" Beast Boy interrogated suddenly, seeming to inspect her suspiciously.

"Don't feel like it," she narrowly avoided. Her eyes went into slits as he tried to take a peek into her room. "Stay out of my business," she snapped, slamming the door in his face. Suddenly, with a glowing black flash, a stack of spell books fell. She looked at it worriedly, thinking, I've got to stop.


Beast Boy hadn't moved from the spot in front of Raven's door. He was frozen in place, shocked by her sudden flash of anger at him. She never blew up. It made him wonder again if she was really okay.

Irrationally, a part of his mind was still focused on the way she looked. He loved her emotions. They were so fleeting, and so very beautiful. Her anger, her happiness, her sadness--it was all amazing, as well as rare. Maybe that's why he loved it so much.

Beast Boy shook his head and shuffled to his room. He pulled his shirt off, landing on his bed with a sigh. Rae, he thought.

Suddenly, he thought he heard something bang in Raven's room. He listened, another bang sounding, but this time glass broke. He ran out of his room and barged into hers, shouting, "Rae!"

He saw her on the floor, the glass from her window surrounding her unconscious body. Her bed had been flipped over, too. Beast Boy ran to her, picking her up and taking her away from the broken glass. "Raven?" he whispered, brushing the hair out of her face. His hand lingered.

Suddenly, she groaned, stirring in his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't too hurt, probably just bruised. He brought her to his room, laying her down on his bed. He lay on the ground, thinking of her before falling asleep.

BB and Rae Forever,  a Teen Titans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now