Chapter 10

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Raven's POV
"Hey, Beast Boy," I said smiling. "What are you doing?"

Suddenly, with a fiery passion in his eyes, he came up to me, grabbing my arms. My eyes went wide and then, a small growl in his throat, his mouth was on mine.

I let out a squeak of surprise, but quickly allowed myself into the kiss. My arms went around his neck as his shot to my waist, pushing me up against the wall. My hips were engulfed by his as he pressed me close, his breath rushing into my open mouth. Heat built between my legs.

His hands trailed slowly down my arms when he intensified our kiss, fingers tapping along my hips and thighs. I quivered and let out a sigh of appreciation and delight as he began to kiss slowly down my neck, his warm breath spreading across my damp skin.

My towel began to fall down and I had to break our contact to pull it up. Embarrassment washed over me as he allowed his eyes to undress me. Or rather, un-towel me.

"Raven, can we go to your room?" Beast Boy asked, glancing up at me with heady and hungry green eyes. I was helpless, nodding before he took my hands and pulled me into my room, shutting the door behind him softly.

"Lay down on the bed, Rae," he commanded gently. I blushed at the realization that I liked him ordering me. Well, just for the moment.

I lay on the sheets, turning my head so I could look up at him. He was smirking, those sharp fangs making me shiver. His smirk grew wider as he told me, "Take your towel off."

My eyes widened and the grip on my white towel tightened. Take my towel off? But...I've never been NAKED in front of a boy. Then again, I trusted BB with my life. Why not my virginity?

I inwardly sighed and let go of all inhibitions, dropping my hand. My towel slowly fell from my body, landing around me to show off everything. I saw his eyes light up as they saw my breasts, my nipples still hard from the shower. I resisted the urge to cover myself, tightening my fists when he gasped. I guessed that he had already looked further, but I wouldn't have known, my eyes pointedly staring at my ceiling.

"Raven," he breathed. "You're so beautiful."

I gasped and blushed, shifting my gaze to his. I could tell it was the truth that he spoke by the way his eyes sparkled with amazement. Maybe I was wrong though, I wasn't an expert at emotions in the first place.

I took a shaky breath and shifted uncomfortably, rubbing my freshly shaved legs against each other. I folded my hands over my ribs, feeling my heart beat crazily.

Suddenly he was above me, his eyes green and passionate. That look sent shudders of pleasure through me as he kissed under my jaw, down my neck. His teeth teased my sensitive skin, his smooth lips inching downward regularly.

My whole body flushed as he spread my legs, pulling our hips together. I felt his hard dick pressed against me and I gasped at the sensation. But due to his jeans, I was really uncomfortable. I cleared my throat. "Um, Beast Boy?"


"Can you take those off? It hurts..."

He looked down at me, taking a break from his love bites along my neck. He grinned and sat up, standing on his knees. My eyes immediately went to his hands which were pulling at the button and zipper on his pants. While he pulled them off, I surreptitiously closed my legs, still self conscious of my exposed vagina.

He kicked off his pants, leaving him in only briefs. I could clearly see his erection, and it was enormous. Well, at least to me.

"Tch, tch, Raven. I opened your legs for a reason. What, did you think I didn't notice?"

My eyes widened even more with surprise. He chuckled. "Wow, you think I'm that dull, huh? Well, we'll just have to fix that."

His left hand went to my right breast and I gasped. His fingers massaged it perfectly, pushing and pulling with the right amount of force. I moaned at the absolute pleasure I felt, arching my back and pushing myself into his palm. His fingers played with my nipple, flicking it and twisting it lightly. I shook as heat exploded between my legs.

"Ah!" I breathed when he started on my other breast. Slowly he leaned down to kiss me, the stroking of his tongue so sensual that I moaned in his mouth. He pulled my nipples and I whimpered, my legs falling from their closed position from so much pleasure.

"Ah, that's better," BB sighed, pressing himself to me. I sighed his name in response. This Beast Boy was so different than before. How
could sex change him so much?

I suppose it didn't matter.

His hands left my breasts, their replacement being his mouth. The heat was almost unbearable and I held onto the sheets beside me as I moaned. His teeth were sharp and sexy on my skin, his slick tongue rolling my left nipple. He switched sides while his hands went down to my legs.

He gently ran his hands over the insides of my thighs while I moaned and shifted under him. It was all so wonderfully hot and sexy. It was just so--

My breath caught in my throat. His fingers, surprisingly cold on my vagina, traced the outside of my lips, teasing and light. He had stopped playing with my chest to look at me, and at his own actions. My heart has stopped as well, too shocked to keep going.

We locked eyes as he delved into me, his fingers exploring with no hesitation. I blushed deeply, closing my eyes out of embarrassment. Again, I resisted the urge to cover myself, knowing that he would just prolong these types of moments. Instead, I allowed the pleasure to wash over me in waves, shuddering and moaning.

-Beast Boy's POV-
She was so warm on my hand, and so sexy when she moaned. It was the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed. But all the time I played with her, I was restraining myself. All the time I watched her, my resolve for her pleasure first was fading, my cock growing harder with need.


My breathing grew heavy and I suddenly stopped, unable to restrain myself any longer. Her eyes opened and stared at me curiously, her red face becoming even brighter as I licked 'her' off of my fingers. I pulled my shirt off before laying atop her, looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Raven," I whispered softly, pressing my lips briefly to hers. "Can I...?"

Raven laughed a short laugh. "What, now you're asking me?" she asked with a teasing smile.

I smirked. "In that case..." I quickly removed my briefs and placed my dick on her. She gasped, jerking in surprise. In the process, she accidentally pushed me inside her a little. She winced.

I quivered, her warmth incredible on my head. My arms shook, almost unable to hold me up because of it. "Are you okay, Rae?" I asked huskily.

"Beast Boy," she sighed.

Author's note.
Okay so I've had a lot to do. Writing other fanfics. School. Etc. so sorry, but hopefully this makes up for it. Did you like it? TELL ME. Please. And thank you. And thanks for reading. Okay, I wanna say a whole lo more but I'm supposed to be in Spanish right now so I have to go.

BB and Rae Forever,  a Teen Titans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now