I am terribly sorry

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I am a horrible person. I snuck out of my house to go to a bonfire, and I got caught the next morning. SO, I am grounded until next year. (January of 2015). I'm asking for my phone, which will also be taken until next year, so I can transfer all of my writings from my notes to Wattpad. I'm trying my best to write for everyone. And once I have my phone back, even if it's just for a little while, I'll have about two new parts for this story and a completely new story ready to publish and continue. You'll know how to find it, but if you don't, go to my profile and look for all of my works. There you will see it. And I won't mention it on here because I want it to be a surprise. Anyway, I can write here in school, so hopefully I can transfer my writings on my phone and continue writing on this computer. It's not the best, but it is better than nothing. And I'm really sorry if I don't have anything updated for a while. It's difficult to ask for your phone when you're grounded.

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