Chapter 3

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"Thanks, BB," Raven said, walking him to her door. Her room was now immaculate, thanks to him.

He grinned widely. "No problem," he replied.

"BB, Raven!" Robin called. He came running down the hall and Raven and Beast Boy turned to their leader. "There you are!"

"What's up, dude?" BB asked.

"Attack on the tower! Positions now!"

Raven pulled her cloak on quickly, making a portal to outside. "Come on, Beast Boy. You too, Robin," she ordered, stepping to the side of the portal. They jumped in and she followed, landing in the front yard of the tower. In front of Cyborg, Star, Robin, BB and Raven was a huge glob of green goo.

Raven wrinkled her nose at the thing's smell. Like sewage and mold. It roared, releasing a foul breath of rotting corpses. Raven gagged, along with everyone else.

"Guess he's been eating people," Cyborg commented. "That's not a very good diet!" he shouted to the beast.

"Titans, GO!" Robin yelled. Everyone went into action. Beast Boy transformed into a gorilla, screaming at him and charging. Cyborg stayed back with a canon ready, Starfire shot into the air, shooting green energy at the goo, and Robin charged at it like BB had. Raven, too afraid of her powers, stayed back in the shadows of her magic.

The goo monster released another roar, but this time, Raven sensed a poisonous fog in its breath. "No, stop!" she shouted, reaching her hand out in desperation. She flew over to them, pulling them back just before the fog touched them. "Starfire, stay back!" Raven yelled.

"What are you doing, Raven?" Robin asked angrily.

"Yeah, Rae," Beast Boy said, transforming back into a human. Well...whatever his normal form was. "What's up?"

"That fog is poisoned," she snapped. "Let me handle this. It won't hurt me. I'm immune to any poisons."


"But, Rae, your magic...?" Beat Boy whispered.

"I'll be fine," she said, focusing her gaze on the monster. It was roaring again as Cyborg and Starfire shot at it. It ran into the tower, smashing some of the concrete and glass. "It won't hurt you," she whispered. Beast Boy guessed it was meant to be to herself, but due to his extra animal abilities, he could hear it perfectly.

Raven flew to the beast, BB watching her worriedly the whole time. She went straight into the beast's breath, disappearing into the fog. Beast Boy took an unintentional step forward, whispering, "Rae, care--"

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

The whole beast grew black from the inside out, the thing shouting unintelligibly. Cyborg cheered and Robin gave a smirk. Starfire just stayed confused and worried, like Beast Boy.

The goo levitated and it seemed to grow scared. It wriggled and wobbled to get free, but it was no use. The blackness had it ensued, and it began to realize there was no escape. It was starting to scream in pain now, the screeching noise hurting Beast Boy's eardrums. Then the whole thing exploded, revealing Raven in the middle of it all while goo flew in all different directions. She had her arms out, as well as her legs, making it seem like she was an (sort of) x. She glowed in her magic, her eyes shining bright white, her open mouth, too.

Beast Boy cried out in pain. Her screams, he realized as he covered his ears.

"Beast Boy!" Cy shouted.

"Beastie," Robin said, "what's wrong?"

They can't hear her, he thought with dread.

BB and Rae Forever,  a Teen Titans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now