Chapter 12

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Dread pounded through him. She was dead? No. No, that wasn't possible. She couldn't be dead.

Beast Boy sank to his knees. "Where is she?" he whispered, trembling with fear. There was no way she was dead.

"I told you already," the beast bellowed. "She is dead. I killed her," it chuckled menacingly.

"No!" he screamed. "She's not dead!"

"She was just as unworthy as you are. You will be killed for your sins. You will all die!"

Robin stepped forward. "What are you?" he demanded, reaching for his only weapon.

"I am the Demon of Sins. I will kill you for committing such sins against The Lord." The monster before them lunged and Starfire shot her green blasts at him. She hit successfully, her magic burning his cheek and jaw. He stopped and glared at her with murderous eyes.

"Star!" Robin shouted, coming to her side. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I am protecting those special to me," she replied, staring the Demon of Sins down determinedly.

Suddenly, the demon screamed at Robin, its hand shooting out in his direction. Beast Boy watched in horror as a familiar black magic consumed Robin, lifting him off the floor. The Demon of Sins smiled evilly and, with a sickening crunch and snap, dropped Robin.

Starfire cried in fear, flying to Robin's side. Beast Boy, dazed, crawled slowly to Star and Robin. He held his breath as he turned to look at his friend.

Robin's eyes, still covered by his infamous mask, stayed open. His mouth was open as well, but Beast Boy, even with his extreme hearing abilities, could not detect any breath.

Still beside him, Star broke down, tears streaming down from her bright green eyes. She sobbed and lay her head on Robin's chest, her pained moans becoming muffled. Beast Boy couldn't cry. He was in shock. The death of his friend was too much to take in.

"He deserved it," the demon snarled from above. "And now you're next, Beast Boy!"

"No!" Cy yelled. BB looked up to see his best friend jump in front of him while the Demon of Sins attacked with its black power. It hit Cyborg, lifting him off the ground as well. The demon growled in frustration and threw him across the room. Cy slammed into the wall and slid to the ground. His head slumped.

Beast Boy released a howl of agony. His fingernails grew into claws, his teeth into fangs. "Beast Boy," Star mumbled beside him. He could barely hear her.

Raven, he thought. Cyborg. Robin. They're all...

Rage fueled his transformation. His bones grew, his muscles expanded, and his mind became blurred. And the next thing he knew was the word kill.


Beast Boy...

Raven creeped her eyelids up. It was dark, and the concrete beneath her was cold. She sat up and looked around, hoping to see something, but it was useless. It was pitch black in this place.

"Over here..."

Raven squinted and turned around, relief spreading through her when she saw a small light. She ran to it, pressing her face against a window.

"No--!" she choked. "Beast Boy!"

The love of her life, covered in his blood, snarled up at something. He was in animal form, but she had never witnessed such a beast before. She had no clue what it was, and it made her stomach roll.

Beast Boy lunged forward, out of we sight. She searched frantically for him, gasping when she saw Robin and Cyborg lying lifeless on the ground. Tears fell over her cheeks and a lump grew in her throat.

Her friends were...dead?

"What did you do?!" she screamed at no one. "Why did you kill them?!"

I am the Demon of Sins. They got what they deserved. I killed them, Raven! They defied God's true intentions--for everyone to live in peace. They are unforgivable and will go to Hell for their crimes!

As that deep voice spoke, she looked around for the "Demon of Sins," but he was not in her sight. "What the hell are you talking about?! They did nothing!" she shouted.

Robin took advantage of Starfire. Cyborg got in the way of my dealing with the animal. And finally, you and that Beast Boy-- I can't even say it, it disgusts me so!

"Demon, please!" She was looking out of the window again, watching helplessly as BB was pounded into the ground. Blood poured from his mouth. In the corner of the room, Starfire lay motionless. "Don't hurt him!"

You will die!

Suddenly, something ripped at her shoulder and she cried out in pain, falling into the floor. Above her was that demon--the one that was in her dreams when she fell in the bathroom. She gasped at the realization.

The Demon of Sins smirked evilly. "You did not fall, Raven."


Was this what death felt like? No, it wasn't painful enough.

In a flood of emotions, her memories came back to her. With a scream of agony tearing from her throat, she sat up and opened her eyes. Beast Boy! Robin! Starfire! Cyborg!

Her heart was shattered when she saw all four of her friends, piled atop one another. Beast Boy was at the top, and at his blank face and blank eyes, she couldn't stop the sobs. "No--please, don't leave me," she cried. She reached out and touched Beast Boy, his hand cold and stiff under her fingers.

"Oh, God... What did you do?" she asked in horror. "Demon of Sins, what did you do?!"

I killed them. Before you died, I only thought it was fitting to see your unworthy so-called friends. Enjoy.

"You monster. They didn't do anything wrong!" she shrieked.


"I will not," she whispered, feeling something rise up inside of her. A millisecond before the demon could touch her, her magic burst from her broken body, consuming her, the demon, and her friends.


Soooo... How was it? I think this part is a little rushed. Maybe it's because I haven't worked on it in so long, maybe I have writer's block... Who knows? Feedback is accepted. I hope everyone liked this part.

Okay. Best Anime ever: Bleach. And not just because I have little fantasies all the time about Ulquiorra. It's because it is one hard-ass fighting Anime. In the fighting area, I'd say it's about in the top five, next to Dragon Ball/Z/GT and Highschool of the Dead. But for overall, it's pretty goddamn awesome. Who knew Nel would be a former Espada? And who knew Ulquiorra was so hot for an anime character? (I may have a fan-girl crush on him...)

Yeah, just had to get that out if my system. Thanks!

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