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Kris awoke to the sweet silence of morning. He could hear the chirping of the birds, and he could already tell that this day would special for him. Kris smiled as he heard Toriel's footsteps down the hallway. He dashed out of the bed as the door opened.

T: Oh Kris! It seems that you've already woken up.

K: Yeah, and I feel pretty good already. I think today's gonna be a good day!

T: Well I'm glad you think that. Come downstairs, waffles are ready.

Toriel walked out of the room while Kris walked over to his closet and picked out his normal dress.

Once he got downstairs, the sweet aroma of maple syrup hit him. Toriel sat down on a chair while Kris sat down.

T: So, Susie, what's she like?

Kris sighed.

K: Well, she's tough and brave, but innocent and kind. She's fair and honest, but noone else has seen that side of her before. I think I've found my future with her.

Toriel smiled.

T: Well, I'm glad you have. I just hope that she hasn't been hurt.

'But she has. And if I play my cards right, I can save Joshua and Susie.'

T: Finish your breakfast, we still have 20 minutes left.


Kris finished the waffles and put his plate in the sink. He zipped up his jacket as he headed towards the door.

T: Going early?

K: Nope, I gotta head to the flower shop to pick some out for Susie.

T: In that case, have a good day at school.

K: You too.

Kris closed the door as he walked out of the home.

T: My, how he's grown up.

He headed toward the flower shop, where Asgore worked. As he got to the door, the fresh scent of flowers hit him hard.

'Jesus, that's more powerful than the slap from Karen. And that bitch hurt.'

He opened the door, the sight of the colors adapting. Asgore stood near the back, watering some plants. He turned his head and saw Kris. He grinned as he sat down the pale and rushed over to Kris. As usual, he death hugged him.

A: Hello Kris. It's been a while, has it not?

K: That it has.

Asgore set down Kris.

A: What can I do for you?

K: Well, I'm picking out some flowers for a girl, and I don't really know how to.

Asgore chuckled.

A: You're getting older everyday, I suppose. Well, what is she like?

K: She's tough on the outside, but she's kind on the inside. She's got a heart of gold, but I've only seen it. She loves roses, and she's the most beautiful thing to me.

Asgore smiled. He rushed towards the back. When he came out, he had a bouquet of violet colored roses. Kris instantly chose those. As he grabbed them, he reached into his pocket for his wallet.

A: Oh no, don't pay me. For free.

Kris took his hand out.

K: Thanks for these, it means alot to me.

A: Well, you really care for this girl. It's only fitting I help you out.

Kris smiled as he went to the door.

A: Just don't knock her up and you'll be ok.

K: Dad!

They both laughed.

K: Take care.

A: You too.

Kris walked out of the flower shop. The sun was beaming, and school had almost started. As he neared the school, he saw Susie coming closer to the school.

K: Susie!

Susie looked his way and saw the bouquet.

S: Aww, for me?

K: Always.

Susie took the bouquet.

S: I love them! How'd you get them?

K: Well, Asgore works at the flower shop, so he seemed reasonable.

Susie pecked his cheek.

S: Is this so you can score?

K: No! Unless you wanna..

They both laughed.

S: Oh, I guess you'll have to wait~

Susie spoke seductively. Kris sighed in anger.

K: You're gonna make this hard, aren't you?

S: Maybe~

Susie winked at his as she walked closer to the school.

K: Now, if I know my timing, Joshua will come close to the school at lunch. If I catch him there, I'll talk him through.

Kris started walking to the school, smiling as he knew the day would end perfectly.

The Last Story/ The Guardians: Chapter 2 - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now