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The two armies marched as loud as they could. It might've been impossible to hear them. They marched with determination through the day. During the march, they stopped at a chef who recognized Kris, and gave him as many cakes as possible to feed the army. They grabbed the cakes and marched to a quiet place and camped there for the hour.

The two groups talked about their lives and some became allies. The 4 leaders watched as allies were formed and friendships were made. Susie saw Lancer in a corner. She felt the need to speak to him.

S: Hey Lancer, can we talk in private for a minute?

L: Sure Susie..

The two walked to a candy tree and walked behind it where noone could see them. After they settled and got quiet, they finally started talking.

L: So, what is it?

S: Well, I kinda need some advice.

L: What is it?

S: Well, I kinda have a crush on Kris. Like, a really big one. And I don't know how to tell him. What do I do?

Lancer was taken back and thought about this.

L: Well, be yourself. Be straight up honest with him. Don't put up a fake act to impress him and win him over.

S: Ok, thanks Lancer!

Susie flashed a grin.

L: No problem Susie!

Susie walked back to the other group.

Lancer smiled sadly while he took out the envelope. He found it hard to cope with his feelings. But for Susie and Kris, he'd do anything. He started ripping up the envelope and the paper inside. He felt a large weight being lifted off his shoulders. Once it was all ripped up, his sad smile turned into a happy smile, and he started walking back.

He came back. Kris saw this. 'Wait, so did Lancer confess?' He felt his heart beating stop. He let his thoughts consume him. He then felt Ralsei tapping his shoulder.

R: Kris? Are you ok?

K: Y..yeah, I'm fine.

Once the armies had finished, they resumed their trek through the Dark World. However, out of the corner of his eye, Kris saw ripped up paper under a candy tree. He walked over to it. Once he saw a ripped up spade, he smiled once again. He found that everything was still going as predicted. He continued walking with army as they went through the field.


Strange how time in the Underworld lines up perfectly with the time in the Over World. The Armada rested at a plain not too far off from the Castle. They established that when tomorrow hits, they attack at dawn. They thought the time was strange considering that Kris and Susie wouldn't say why(This is because Kris promised Toriel that he'd be back right at 12:00).

S: Kris?

K: Yeah Susie?

S: Are you sure you wanna still do this?

K: Well, of course. We're too far in to quit now. And besides, we'll be ok.

S: You promise?

K: I promise.

S: Well, I was just asking because I just hope you don't get hurt.

They both maintained eye contact for a minute before breaking the silence once more.

K: Why do you say that? What, do you actually care?

S: Of course I care! You're the one person I can rely on now! I don't want to lose you, even when we've done so much together!

Kris became silent hearing this.

S: I'm sorry, I-

K: Save it for tomorrow. G'night.

Kris threw the cover over himself. Susie silently whispered, "Goodnight, my prince."

It wasn't long before Kris was sound asleep in his blanket. Susie watched him as thoughts ran through her mind.

Kris opened his eyes to see his troops still asleep and well. He looked over to see Ralsei staring at the Castle in thought. Kris slowly got up and sat next to him.

R: Sweet dreams?

K: I guess. What about you?

R: Same.

The two stared in silence before Ralsei broke the silence.

R: I never told you about my family, did I?

K: Nope.

R: Well, we used to live in the town before the King ruled. We believed in freedom, peace, and equality. Once the King started ruling, we moved out and started a rebellion. Some people joined, then more, and more, and more. This became the Castle Town.

K: So the town was made from a hope?

R: Precisely. However, when I was about 9, my parents were caught by the King, and executed right in front of me. I escaped however, and I've ruled the Town ever since. I don't hate him because he almost killed us. I hate him, because he's the reason I'm so alone.

Kris was taken back by the story. He never saw this side of Ralsei before. It wasn't natural. Not normal.

K: Well, once we overtake the King, you can rule the two towns. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to make the world a better place.

R: I dream of it.

Kris heard rustling from behind him. He turned to see Susie waking up behind him. He gave a small smile before he got up. He then remembered the note, and how he'd seen it before. But no letter. No worry.

10:02 A.M.

Now that the troops were awake and ready, Ralsei got ready for the upcoming struggle.

R: Ok. Group 1 goes to the front to cooperate with them. We'll need the guards to lock the King up. Group 2 will go with Kris and me to take the elevator to the J floor. From there on, we'll meet at the front. I'll explain from there. Got it?

K: Got it.

R: Ok. Let's roll.

The Last Story/ The Guardians: Chapter 2 - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now