Dog Park (10)

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Hoseok POV.

I walking my dog, in the dog park of course, but then I see this cute guy, I assume they are a guy. They are seated on the bench. They have almost dirty blond looking hair. They are wearing jeans, with rips at the knee. The also have a black thrasher shirt on. And of course they have a dog. A small dog. I think it is a poodle, a toy poodle to be more exact, I think, I don't know, it is the only breed of small poodle I can think of.

I tell my dog, Smile Hoya, to go run to the guy. He is a good boy, he usually does I tell him. He is a bloodhound and a boxer mix and I love him to death.

I let go of the leash and he runs off. He runs to the guy, he looked scared as it came towards him, I ran after Hoya as he ran. The guy picks up his dog and holds on to it, in a way in which he was trying to protect the dog.

Hoya stops right in front of him and sits down.

I finally reach Hoya.

Hey um I'm sorry, I think he just wanted some treats. But he is a good boy. He wouldn't hurt any one.

Um okay as long as he doesn't hurt my Holly then it is all good.

Hoya whimpers in an apologetic manner and looks at the guy.

They hold there dog, which I think he called Holly, in one arm and offers one of the treats to Hoya. He takes it cautiously and after he finishes he waggs his tail.

Now, what do you say?

Hoya then in what a dog can vocalize says thank you.

Good boy.

Hoya then wags his tail in joy. They man reaches carefully for Hoya and gives him a pat on the head. Hoya wags his tail more. 

See, he is a good boy.

The guy smiles, it is cute honestly.

What is his name?

His name is Smile Hoya.

Smile Hoya, eh?

Yeah. And your dogs name is Holly right?

Yup. Holly, Min Holly.

Min Holly? Did you give it your last name?

Uh maybe.

What is your name?

Yoongi. And you?

Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, I think.

May I sit here.

Um s- sure.

Yoongi looks at Holly and puts them down. Holly barks at Hoya, he barks back. The have a whole conversation I can understand, but it is not aggressive.

I as well converse with Yoongi.

Yoongi POV

I play with Holly as I sit on the bench I see a dog running towards us. I pick up Holly and I hold him tight to me. I look up and the dog looks right at me happily.

I then look to my left since I hear someone running, I assume it I the owner.

They come to a stop. And say "Hey um I'm sorry, I think he just wanted some treats. But he is a good boy. He wouldn't hurt no one."

I mean the dog didn't look aggressive. But it is bigger than my Holly so I would rather protect my Holly.

The dog whimpers apologeticly so I give it one of the treats I brought for Holly, he takes it in a cautious manner and then after he finishes wags his tail.

The dogs name is Smile Hoya, the owners name is Hoseok.

He is handsome. Like damn. He is like a model, now I am starting to sound weird.

He asks to sit down next to me, I agree but now I am nervous.

We talk, I would have assumed it would have been more difficult to talk to him but the way he looks but he was actually a decently nice guy. 

Our dogs also get along so that is good.

We talk for a almost two hours when he gets a call. After hangs up he checks the time and realized the time?

Oh I'm sorry, I have to go, I just realized the time I have to make my mother some lunch, since she is sick and can't do it herself. Um if you want you could come over.

Um no thanks. I am still kinda full from breakfast. I say that trying not to sound rude, because I am not going to no one's house, even if they are hot.

That is okay, maybe I could have your number, and go out for lunch another time?

Um sure, yeah.

I take out my phone and he types in his number, he then calls himself, to have my number as well, he gives my my phone back after wards. As he gives me my phone back I accidentally touch his hand, I feel my crackhead ass blush. I hope he doesn't notice.

I guess I will be seeing you another time then.

Yeah, o-of course. Um, I hope your mother gets better.

Oh yeah, thank you. Bye

Bye, Bye Hoya.

Hoya barks.

We walk or own way and I get home.

I talk to my Holly like an idiot. Like who the fuck just goes talking to there dog about some guy they just met and ranting how handsome he is. Damn I got some issues.

Hoseok POV

I am home currently and I start making my mother's lunch. I also checked up on my mother, she asleep. I make some soup, because I think that is what you give people with the flu right? I have no idea, but I make a vegetable soup and I'll add some noodles to it.

As I do that I talk to Hoya. I talk to him about the cute guy. Like bitch I don't think no one this crazy and be talking to there dog or pet like this. But I thank him for going on up to him for me. So I get him a treat, one of his favourites and I tell him I am going to buy him a new toy.

-Time Skip-

Hoseok POV

It has only been a week since I first met Yoongi but we have been texting non-stop. Today I went out to buy  Hoya his new toy and I see Yoongi in the store. I say hi to him and we start talking. We then agree to eat lunch together, we were talk about were we should eat. As we talk an old lady passes by us and comments on how cute Yoongi looks and how well we look together.  

We thanks her and we look at each other. I think, here is my chance to make a move.

Well um do you want to be together?

As in boyfriends?


Um yeah then.

Yoongi has a light blush on his face, and bitch I feel my face burning up and my heart pounding as if I just took a whole bunch of steroids.

We look at each other and we smile like idiots, at least I do, Yoongi just looks cute.

We continue to converse about where to eat, we decided on a sandwich shop.

There we would plan a proper date.

The end

A fluffy (???) Story

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