caprice no. 4

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The room was illuminated by a warm light, with a chandelier that twinkled above. Some people stood around, talking to potential business dealers, while some dance about on the dance floor. The hall filled with many masked people among the soft music. The masquerade theme had set the scene, a feel of the Georgian era... or even like the black plague if you wanted to think about it like that as well. There was platters of bite size food that was going around but, nothing that looked appetizing. Many of the people who were in attendance were older, wealthy people.
People who were not necessarily rich or wealthy were invited for their talents. Hoseok, about 26, was one of these people. He started out his career quite early as a young child, being considered a prodigy violinist. He later went to learn piano which he excelled at. He mostly attends these sorts of events to appease to this demographic of people. Hoseok is hardly to find someone his age, especially when he was younger. This event specifically was a masquerade ball to celebrate the birthday of a well known scriptwriter and director. Hoseok really isn't even sure as to why he was invited but any gig that he is able to muster by talking to these people is enough for him.
Playing his young charm, Hoseok is able to easily impress the older people there. He has a woman who is too eager to be talking to him. She grabbed ahold of Hoseok's arm. Sometimes some of these old people are too clingy, but he feels the creepy old men are also an issue. It was bad when he was younger.
Having been able to eventually get out of the old woman's grasp, Hoseok continues to stroll around. He typically stays at these events for about three hours at most. He gets bored and walks towards the back of the hall. It is a bit dimmer and having on masquerade masks, people's face look more shadowy. There are a few tables arrayed with small snacks as well. He munched on a few of the fancy cheeses before moving on to the pastries. As he is busy stuffing his face, he spots someone down the row of tables. He was about his height and looked to be about his age as well. He is surprised to see someone close in age to him, but he should get used to it, eventually he is going to be joining the group of old people.
Hoseok walks towards the man down the aisle of tables. The person infront of him looked at him startled, his eyes widening slightly. Hoseok found the other's reaction a bit amusing and continues with his mission. Hoseok intoduced himself and extends his hand to them. Hoseok shakes their hand, he feels it is quite soft and almost delicate. He learns that he is an author and writes science fiction and has published several research papers. Hoseok's facial expression to learning this most definitely show his impressed reaction. He was then asked what he does, he felt it wasn't as great as publishing research papers. As casually as he could, he replied to being a violinist, he added that he composes since he felt that it would make him be presented with a bit more than what he actually did.
The other's lips parted slightly. He looked down, with an elegant maneuver, then pulled out his phone from the inner pocket of his suit jacket.
"Have you ever written an OST?" His eyebrows slightly raised, "My friend is looking for someone to compose for her."
"Bingo" Hoseok thought since he found an offer at last.
"I have composed a few songs, I am quite open to anything, really. Although, I would like to ask what I would be composing for?"
"Well..." He looked away, "You know, I'll have my friend send a link once I get to talking to them that I found a composer for them. Can I have your number? Since you say that you are open to things, I'm sure that my friend will be willing to commission you."
They exchange numbers, Hoseok handed him his phone back.
"I'll try to be pendent to my phone." Hoseok says a he maintains a cool demeanor but he is ecstatic that, the one who has had saved his contact name as Min Yoongi, not only appears to be someone whom he can perhaps make connections with but is quite an intriguing character.
His figure is elegant and kinetic, Hoseok is quite enamored by Yoongi's figure. His lips seem to take a pink tint to them, his eyes, cat like. Hoseok can't really see the rest of his feature for it is covered up by a mask, but he is more than sure that it is just as dainty.
He left the ball with a gleeful aura. It wasn't long before he got to communicate with this refined individual. Two days later he received a message wanting to meet up at a cafe, of course it was to discuss their previously mentioned subject. Either way Hoseok wasn't to complain.

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