chapter 4~ [}aby§itter

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(Another wEiRd time skip)

  -y/n laughing- "colby! Ur so stupid sometimes!" " yea i heard that you didnt want a babysitter" "oh.." -you look down- "yea i didnt"

"So did you change ur mind yet"

-she doesnt answer- "y/n?" "Y-yes.."
"You okay?" "Yea im-  FUCK I MEAN CRAP" "whats wrong!?" "I HAD SCHOOL TODAY!!!" -he thinks for a moment" then laughs- "no you didnt silly, its Saturday"

"NO ITS FRIDAY" "check ur phones date its Saturday'

(ANuTheR WeiRd tImE skIp)

~a week later~

"Mom!, i already told you i have school tomorrow i gotta go to bed"
"But hunny, I'll miss you" "ur downstairs, i sleep in the adic"

"True, well goodnight hunny i love you!" "Love you too mom"

-You hear a annoying sound and realize its ur 4:30 am alarm- "time to get up already..ugh" -you mope down the stairs on the third floor- (yes ur house has 4 floors get over it)

"Well i guess theres no point in going all the way to the first"

"Y/n! Colbys here to take you too school im off to work" -your in the bathroom- "mom...i can take myself!!"

"Y/nnnnn!!" -you hear colbys voice trail up the stairs- "hurry up, school starts at 5:40" " i know!, dont rush me"

-you step out of the bathroom and mope back upstairs- "i have to wear this stupid uniform" "i hate it so much.." -you get dressed remembering to close the closet this time-  "ah~ all ready for school, just need to do my hair"

" -you get dressed remembering to close the closet this time-  "ah~ all ready for school, just need to do my hair"

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(The photo as ur hair style)

"Perfect now to freshen up, then i can be on my way"

"Y/n! Hurry up you only have a few minutes before we have to leave" -colby irritatived as he calls for her-

"One minute! Im almost done" "okay okay"

-she comes running down the stairs with her almost falling- "im he-here" she says out of breath "lets go" he naged on.

(AnUthEr awkWaRD tiMe sKiP)

       Y/n's POV
I finally made it to well, hell. My mom didnt understand that when she was sending me to a private school, she was sending me to complete hell.

I walked down the hall with my head down trying not to be noticed

"Aye! -stops y/n- look what we have here"

"Just leave me alone..please" you put ur head down scared to get hit. "And why should i?" "Ur just a fucken lulu anyway" -y/n falls to the ground has many people laugh and embarrass and humiliate her-

~the end of the day~

"Hey! Y/n over here" you see colby and start to cry "y/ okay?"

You get over to him to end up sobbing in his arms "i hate them!! I hate them all!" You sob. "Cmon lets get you home, then you can tell me what happend"

Hello um hai how u liken dah story so far. Im really bad at updating im sorry for dat. Butttt another part is coming out tonight soooo ye look forward to dat in the meeeeeann timeeee..bye yall🤠

The Babysitter~ a Colby Brock Related Story WARNING Creepy, Language and, Smut.Where stories live. Discover now