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When they finally let you just..well ran. You didnt wanna be apart of their hybrid wanted to be ur own hybrid...not someone elses. You ran and ran till you ran out all of ur energy and you just layed on the a more gloomy place. You looked around the surrounding find..nothing but trees. Wow shocker a forest. You still kept wondering..where is sam and needed to talk to them badly. You sighed and got just gonna go back home. You got up and found the nearest bus station. You took a bus back to Arizona. Tired. Hungry. Kinda wet from it starting to rain. When you got to Arizona. You took another bus into ur town. You got off and walked havent seen or talked to ur mom in almost a year..crazy. You knocked on the door and someone you didnt know opened it. "What the fuc-..who the hell are you" "i live here with my wife you are you" "im her daughter" " Cloie someone is here for you" "coming- y/n.." "M-Mom" you ran and hugged each other tightly. "Ive missed you" "ive missed you to honey aw, you've grown so much" you pulled back from the hug and smiled at her."oh yea um this is..Mike....h-he um is someone i met..and we got married" he was tall..blond had glasses. And..seemed like he worked a lot. "Mh.." "And also you have a brother now..well..we hope you guys get you can call each other brother and sister" you nod. "Braxton get down here we have someone you might wanna meet" "how old his he" "he is 20 but living with us." "Mh.." You saw a tall boy walk down the stairs..charming but..weirdly not. Brunette. Freckles. Glasses...he kinda looked like Austin.. But..not the same style.

"Whos this.." "This is your sister. Y/n" you back up a bit becoming shy as he looked at you weirdly. "Well we have an appointment so..i guess we can leave you two here. Yall are adults...but be careful" you nod and hug ur mom good bye for the evening. You sigh as they close the door. "So ur my um..sister" "no. Step sister. Not blood. Ok ok" you walk away kinda angry that she never told you about any of this. You started making food because like earlier you were hungry. "Sooo how old are you" "19" "mhn" "mhm." "So ur name is y/n" "yes braxton" "ok ok.." You headed up to your room..or what was left of it. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" You started running back down the stairs. "No no no nope fuck no i cant do this im out" " wont even be that bad." "That bad!? Im not sharing a room with someone i just met." "Cmon..i swear im not that bad. Give me a chance?" You look at him.."fine." " we have the same birthday" "what.." "Yea." "Oh my god i hate it already" you went back upstairs with Braxton hoping to just sleep and ignore him. Good thing you still had ur bed and all your clothes. The room was split one side was yours and the other was his. "So when did you get here" "oh since your mom and my dad got married" "mh.." "Yea.." "Im gonna take a shower dont destroy the house." "Wasnt planning on it y/n" "mpf." You grabbed shorts and a tank top since it was getting hot and you got in the shower.  When you got out you stood there texting people for a while before really getting dressed. You dried your hair and put your clothes on. You went back into the bedroom and looked at him. "Are you hungry?" "Kinda. Why" "i was thinking about ordering something" "oooh McDonald's" "ugh fine, what do you want" "um..a Carmel Frap. Anddd 2 double cheese burgers. A large fry andddd yea thats it" "ok." You ordered the food for you and him. You sat downstairs waiting for it." "Braxton foods here!" "Okay!" He came running downstairs and snatched the bags while running to the living room. You grabbed the drinks. Aka coffees for you and him. You got your food and gave him his coffee. You watched movies with him till your parents..well parent and a person got home.. "Hey guys o-oh? You guys had food" "yea i ordered food" "hm.." "Well do you guys wanna watch a movie?" "We've been watching movies for hours now."

"How about you son?" "No. Im good" "im going on a walk" "y/n its late..its almost 11 pm." "So, you usually let me take walks" "yea..i know but its so late" "yea i kn-" "listen to your mother ur not going." "Pfft. Like i gotta listen to you" "excuse me!?" "I said like i gotta fucking listen to you. Your not my dad" "no but at least im gonna stay unlike your real father did" "yea he left because he didnt care" with saying that you walked out and slammed the door. You heard someone run after you. "Leave me al-" "can i come.." You looked back and saw Braxton. "Fine..cmon." " where are we going" "to the woods" "oh..okay" there was a big selection of trees about a block away from your house you had one tree that you had built on and made it so it was like a house. You picked up a broken flashlight and hit it a few times. It flickered then turned on. "Dude this is cool the hell" "yea i know" you both climbed up and then pulled the ladder up. "Did you use to come here often.?" "Almost every day..all day till night." "I can tell..looks like you really put effort into this place" "yea..yea i guess i did....after my dad left i came here a lot. Just to try to get things off my mind." "Oh.." You sighed and layed down. You where still in a tank top and shorts while he was in a hoodie and skinny jeans. "Dont you get hot in those clothes..its like fucking 90 degrees." "No..not really.." "This is weird" "what?" "..i have a step brother....still cant process it" "yea..kinda crazy right" "mhm" "well..we should get is honestly getting late" "yea totally.." You got up stretching while yawning. You both jumped down since it wasnt that far and headed back home. For a second you forgot he was with you and while you walked you usually sang. So you started singing. "We were so beautiful we were so tragic~ no other magic..could ever compare~ mm..lost myself 17 then you came and found other magic could ever compare..~ theres a room in my heart with the memories we made..took em down but their still in their frames..theres no way i could ever forget..mmm~-" "hey that was good" you turned and looked at him calmly. "Eh..i practice" "what song was that" "Never Not by Lauv..he is a good music artist..very chill" "yea..heh" "why that song?" "Um..well it kinda reminds me of someone" "?" "I had a babysitter..we turned into more than that over time...and i kinda miss him.." "Oh.." "Mhm.." You open the door to the house and walk in. He closes it and locks it. You guys walked and talked for about an hour when you guys did...yall kinda bonded. Not a lot tho. You headed to bed but you got stopped. "Hm.." You turned around to get hugged. "Im g-glad ur my sister." You felt ur shirt get wet a bit. Was he..crying?..or was he fake crying to get hugged..because his face was just being smothered by your chest. " not that cool..chill" "ive always been an only child..and just..hated by other people." "..o-oh, aye when ur with me aint no one gonna mess with you." He nods. "God i feel like a baby" "you should." "I thought you said.." "Aye im aloud just not other people" you laughed and walked into the bedroom.

The next day~

"Y/n you awake" you rolled over as a beam of light shined through the window into your eyes. "Hm.." "Morning" "go away" "its should get up" you looked up as you rolled over again and saw how freakishly close Braxton was to your face. "U-Uh..why so close" he looked at you for a second but then backed up. "S-Sorry." You yawned and stretched. "Um mom left for work..but dad is staying home..please don't fight with him. He is kinda crazy" " i wont let him touch you or me" he nodded and looked down looking..kinda scared. "Hey are you okay?" "Y-Yea im fine..its just he likes to yell a lot." "Mh" you got up and got ready for the day showering brushing ur teeth ect. It was a little over 90 that day so you wore shorts..aka short shorts and a crop top. You headed downstairs to make food for you and Braxton..till you got stopped. "What are you doing" "..making food." "What are you wearing" "clothes" "just letting you know now..ur not going anywhere in that" "im 19. I'll go where ever i want" "not while ur living here you wont" "listen here buddy. Ive been here way longer than you. You dont get to talk to me that way just because you moved in here" "Excuse me!?" "I said what i said. Ur not def" "you better get rid of ur attitude young lady." "What you gonna do if i dont" you stood there. "Hello. Im waiting" "exactly..didnt think so" you walked into the kitchen to make food like you planned to. You felt a hard pressure on ur..ass? The hell just happened. You turned around to see Braxtons father. "Did you just slap my ass.." "Its a form of punishment" "these shorts are thick. Ur hands arent. I have an ass. And ur hand is red." "It is a form of punishment" "well it didnt hurt. Anddd for punishment you felt a little to much" he tried to stand his ground..he didnt even look that tough. "Um whats ur name anyway" "Scott" "yea i like the title perv better, so perv let me make god damn food and leave me alone." He huffed and walked away" "Braxton!! We are leaving!" "What no!" He yelled from upstairs as he ran down almost falling. You ran from the kitchen and grabbed Braxton. "Ur not taking him anywhere" "he is my son" "heh he is 18." "I dont care we are leaving" "no. If he doesnt wanna go he dont gotta and he aint!" "You dont even speak right" "bitch try me" " 18-" "I DONT CARE CMON!" You opened the door and looked at him. "Go on. Go. You keep saying ur leaving. Go." He flipped you off and left. You slammed the door and locked it. You sighed and placed ur head on the door. "Y/n.." "Should we just order food?" "Its fine..we dont have to eat right now" ur head was still placed on the door. "Y/n are you ok.." He placed his hand on ur back in a reassuring way. "I-Im fine..its just....nothing yea. Im fine" you got up and sighed again. "So are you sure you dont wann-" you started to turn around..but you got cut off. You felt a soft pair of lips on yours. You backed up away from him..very shocked. "B-Br..Braxton" he looked shocked as didnt mean to do it. He just giggled and sat down. "My bad" you blushed deeply. "Do you want food or not" "yea i could eat" you guys order food and try to pretend what happened didnt happen..he seemed..fine but. You kept thinking about it

Later that night your mom and his dad got back home. You guys stayed upstairs because you didnt want the pain of ur parents. "S-So..are you gonna pretend that didnt happen like an hour ago" "it meant nothing.." "....okay"

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful..just watching movies. The next day you and him went shopping though. He hadn't brought anything up about the thing that happened. "Braxton..are you sure that meant nothing." "Of course just normal stuff" "thats not really normal" "y/n im sure it meant nothing" he stopped the car since you guys got to the store. You looked at him. You grabbed his face and kissed him. He immediately kissed back. You pushed him off. "..that didnt feel like nothing" "y/n.." You got out of the car and walked into the store. You got what you needed to get and payed for it not waiting for him. You didnt wanna ride home with him so you started walking. "Y/n wait!" Him saying that made you stop. "What.." "Its not even really weird, we arent related in anyway.." "I started to think of you as a brother..but your like everyone else.." "Y/n.." "No, and im not riding home with you. Tell then I'll be home later." Hes expression was blank. You didnt just wanted to get away from him.

The Babysitter~ a Colby Brock Related Story WARNING Creepy, Language and, Smut.Where stories live. Discover now