home?. pt 2 of revenge.

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Helloooo..WARNING: SMUT. Owo

It has been a month so far ive been here with these people. Its...strange. I feel like I just don't belong here. I looked on the news and saw that Colby and is so on quote quote girl that he's been hanging around with and cheating on me with they found their bodies... they didn't find anything leading back to me though.. so they started asking everyone Colby knows so, Sam Kat Elton Jake Corey everyone.

But as you know I fled. I guess this is my life now I can't change anything. I feel like me and Colby have always been so close I don't know what happened ever since I met these people in these things are coming to me it's just been different.. I'm kind of scared because I was told I would be put on missions and slender said my mentor is Toby so that's kind of weird. They kill and stuff I don't want to be a part of that but looks like I can't turn back now now that I know about all this if I leave they'll kill me.." hey y/n you okay you haven't gone out of your room" a knock on the door before the voice. " who are you I'm not quite familiar with people yet." " well you might remember my voice from a certain saying.." " well go on then" you said. " you should have done that sweetheart" your eyes widened. " go away it's not like you can help with anything you're probably the one who caused this!" You screamed. The boy with the green tunic floated through the door. " come on don't be like that, we could be good friends just got to listen to me, we just have a few rules that's it." He sounded so...eh. " listen green boy I don't want anything to do with any of you the only good people here is Sally and Toby I don't know the rest you that well Toby is the first one I've met and I hope it stays that way" " really now because I can swear the one you first saw ever was Jeff as he stabbed your baby brother over and over again.." "Get out.." "Make me~" you went to punch the boy but he disappeared. He then came behind u and flipped you around to face him as he pinned you. "Mmm~ thought u where gonna make me...damn thought it would have been a good fight" he said teasingly. You looked down in defeat and didnt feel like trying anymore. These...people like things are impossible to deal with.

You felt him breathe on your neck as he still had you pinned. You felt your face get hot and felt the blush start rising. "P-Please let me go.." He came closer to your ear and whispered.."but why sweety~ arent we having fun~" you looked away from him trying to hide your face. U didnt want to make eye contact. "Hey look at me." He said. You turned ur head slowly. "Call me ben. Ok" he winked.. You nodded. He still didnt let you go. He was also getting closer. His breath sent shivers down your spine. He was so close to your neck...your weak spot. " a little s-space?" You asked. "Aww. Can you not handle me being close? To much" he got even closer. You guys where so close your lips almost touched. You made eye contact with him. You felt his arm go behind your back and pull you closer.

"B-Ben.." "Yea" "what are you doing...." "Nun ya". He was such a bitch sometimes. He pulled you closer. Your noses touched. His eyes where full of lust. You where waiting for him to kiss you...but he didnt. He let you go and walked out. You just stood there. "U..uh" that night you left your door unlocked. You did sleep through the whole night but..when you woke up you weren't in your room. You also felt cold so you looked down..."WHAT THE HELL!?" you heard boys scream "SHES AWAKE!!" You covered up with the covers. You saw ben with his arm on the door way. "Hey sexy" he winked out. Your face was a bright red. "What..the...fucking...HELL!" "Calm down calm down, we didnt fuck. Even known i thought about it. You came to me and said you could sleep so i said ok crawl in" he slowly walked to you. "B-" "let me finish. So you went to sleep but i guess u got hot and took off your clothes. I didnt realize tell this morning you dont know how tempted i was. But...i didnt."

"Get out so i can get up" "cmonnn dont be shy ive already seen your body" he said. "Out" "hey! Its my room" "forget it" you closed the blinds and locked the door without the covers on and went back to his bed to sleep. You could see he looked hard. "Thats not fair. Your in my bed my room and your naked.." "Soar loser" you said and covered up. He huffed and went back to bed in his boxers and faced you. "What" you asked. He got closer. "Ben where not doing this again" you turned away from him. He cuddled you and you could feel his boner on your ass "off ben." He didnt move in fact he pulled you closer. "You know you like it~" he slowly moved his boner on your ass through his boxers. You held in your moans. "Cmon..please?" He whined "no." He kissed on your neck which made you squirm. You turned around to him and kissed him. "Stop...ok" you said. He started to feel on you more. "M-Mmm.." A quiet moan came out. "So you do like it~ dont you" you looked down and nodded. U could feel him smirking at you. "I-Im..im going to take a shower..." You whispered out. He came to your ear "can i join~" he whispered back. This made you kinda whine at him. You ended up nuzzling into his neck. He kept feeling on you....you moaned a few times from him making marks on your neck. You ended up falling asleep on top of him, you woke up and saw someone come out of the bathroom with wet blond hair. It was ben...b-but
....he was naked.

The Babysitter~ a Colby Brock Related Story WARNING Creepy, Language and, Smut.Where stories live. Discover now