chapter 10 unhealthy cycle

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You where starting to become depressed, you didnt shower didnt brush ur teeth, didnt eat. You where just sadness walking around.

Ever since colby left its been so wrong, your mom couldnt help you feel better even ur bully said its no fun bullying you if ur gonna act like this.

You where lost, you didnt know what to do. You missed colby

Your grades where dramatically dropping, you cared about ur grades but didnt put in the effort to fix them.

You knew colby would never come back, you told ur mom he quit and she just said I'll get you another one.

No one can replace colby.

You sat in ur room listing to music trying to get happy..but nothing was working everything was so dulml.

Nothing made since any more. You felt...alone..the same way you did when ur dad left. But colby was different you could count on him always. You have only known colby for w months..but those where the best months of ur life so far.

"Y/n! Time for dinner!" Ur mom could hear her voice echo through ur head. Everything was blank you ignored ur mom because you didnt feel like never felt like eating

Ur mom was worried for you, she didnt know what to do

You have lost 8.3 pound in the 2 weeks colby has been gone. You where starving yourself.

Your mom ended up taking you to a professional. You got called into the hallway by a CN "y/n" she said in a sweet tone. You walked in and ignored her.

"So y/n..i was hearing you where having some trouble, not eating, being lazy, and a short temper..could you tell me whats going on.

You ignore her again

"Y/n, if you wanna get help ta-" "I DONT NEED HELP" you snap at her. She slightly jumps back into her seat

"O-Okay i am sorry..if you would like you can go now" you storm out of the clinic and ignore ur mom. Ur mom tries to stop you but ur stronger.

You run into the road on accident and get hit by a car..

The last thing you hear is..colbys and ur moms voices?

2 weeks later~

You wake up in the hospital with many tubes and wires hooked up to you. You look around but ur vision is foggy.

"M-Mom..." You managed to speak out

"Hey baby girl" "your not m-my mom.." You feel warm hands touch ur face but you cant see who it is, until you feel someone lips press against yours

"Im sorry..i didnt mean to hit you with my car....ur mom called me up to tell me you wernt being healthy and i was on my way to ur house..but you ran in front of my car"

You still dont know who this is they sound familiar but..who

"Im so sorry baby girl for leaving" you slightly jump out of ur skin with excitement. You know who it was it was colby. You start balling which helps you see better "c- colby!" You sob out. "Im sorry!!" He hugs you tightly "im sorry for leaving" then you pause for a moment..."colby" "ye-" you slap him "ow.." "Dont ever leave again" he smiles at you i wont.

About an hour later you can fully see and you can colby where talking for a while ur mom left to give you guys so privacy.

You and colby start falling asleep together

You wake up in the middle of the night holding colbys hand. You two where the only ones in the room..but he was hard?

You feel around on his pants letting go of his hand, you find his dick and its hard..but why.

"Colby~" you whisper in his ear. You start cupping him though his pants

He still is asleep but he moaned a little. You stick ur cold hand down his pants and boxers playing with his dick "wake up colby~" you whisper again

You start pumping ur hand on his shaft, he wakes up and moans slightly

You pump ur hand faster trying to make him moan louder "y/n...fuck~" he moaned out " gotta be quiet~" he nodded as you went under the covers of the hospital bed and teasingly licked along the side of his dick.

"Y/n dont fucking tease or I'll tease you~" he growls out

You take in all of him, he grinds up into ur mouth. You moan from his action. You start to deep throat him with him starting to become a moaning mess.."y-y/n im gonna cu- cum~" you wink at him as he cums down ur throat "mmmm~"

"Fuck..your so bad baby girl~" you bite ur lip and look up at him "i know~"

He smashes his lip onto yours making him get ontop of you. You can feel him pressing you into the bed and it felt amazing to you. He stops kissing you as you both need air "c-colby please" "please what" "fuck me~"

"I cant baby~ where in a hospital bed, it wouldnt be as nice" "hmph..." "But you are getting released tommrow, so when we get home ill fuck you so much that you will still be begging for more~" "a-ah~" did you just moan at me saying that" he laughs "w-what no!" "Yea sure, i love you idiot" "i love you too idiot"

You both fall asleep happy and satisfied with each other.

Hm...yea um still not good at writing sooo yea

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