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If this is what he means by change...then I'm perfectly fine with it!

Suddenly you were able to smell things you never smelled before..emotions? Also food..animals...places. you're tail was long and fluffy, it was so pretty. You ran downstairs could ran faster too. You had energy all the time. It was great. When you saw slender making food you're tail wagged without you knowing. "WHY IS IT MOVING!?" "Because you're either happy or excited..also when you feel love or pleasure it will eithee move faster or slower. Ugh you will be able to tell" "slenderrrr loooooook~~~~!!" You got on the counter and showed him you're eyes and tail. "Yes y/n now off." "Ooh oooh!!!! Look at my teeth" "mhm they will get sharper not by much though" it was about 6 when he finished dinner. You just sat there and waited. You got bored so you went to tobys room and played in his sheets messing up his bed. Then you smelled at certain sent.

It was Toby. He was home. So you ran downstairs and got down there just as he closed the door behind him. "Hiii~!!!" You're tail kept hitting the couch on how fast it was moving but you didnt care. He was finally home. He hugged you tightly but felt something off. "H-How did you-" you backed up and smiled at him. He turned you around and looked at you're head..and you're mouth your tail. "He actually did it" he laughed out. "Didddd what?" "He gave you the charm too..looks like you're staying with us for a little l-longer than 2 days" then you remembered..Jeon. You brushed it off for now and just showed off how you looked while toby talked with slender. "So slender you finally did it hm"

"Yes, would you like to talk in my office..she can hear us" "yea" toby went to slenders office to talk to him about you. "So how did you know it was the right time?" "Show me you're neck" he pulled down his hoodie. "Thats how" "really?" "Yes. Dont give her what she wants, not even sex" "what why?" "Because she is just gonna want more and more." "I was wondering how she was so full of energy last night.." "and you felt that energy which gave you more energy so you didnt care" "y-yea makes s-since" "she did turn out beautiful though" "yes..i wonder what mixed to make those colors" "i don't know..but she looks great" "anyway you should go and take care of her. She's probably bothering people. He nodded and left.

"Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben-" "what y/-...holy..he did it" you wagged you're tail and nodded. He grabbed you're tail and played with it. "So fluffy" "i know right" you finally smelled tobys sent again and ran down the hallway to see him. "Wanna go upstairs?" Then you remembered...his sheets. Shit.

"Ummmmmmm we could just stay down here.." "okay well im gonna take a shower real quick. You tried to stop him but couldn't. You stood at the edge of the top floor and waited for him to call you. "Y/n!!" Your tail and ears fell down. You slowly walked over to him at the entrance of his room. "What the fuck did you do" you didnt answer so he pulled you inside and shut his door loudly. "T-Toby I'm sorry.." "those were brand new y/n!" You walked over and layed you're head on his shoulder. He hugged you, you're tail started wagging again not fast nor slow. "Heyyyy~ you wanna do some stuff~" "like?" "You know what im talking about~" you played with his hair and slightly kissed his neck. "Are you not sore?" "I am but eh." "Y/n.." "cmon~ just really quick~" he stops hugging you and pushed you away a bit. "Cmonnnn~" "we can't y/n"

He looked at you're eyes "your so beautiful.." you huffed at him and tore up his sheets more. "Look how long my nails are!" "Yea y/n.." your tail flopped around catching his attention. "Ugh come here" he played and petted your tail. It was so was fun to play with. "Tomorrow wanna go on a spree with me?" "Like killing?" "Mhm~" "sure" you guys didn't fuck that night, but you looked forward to the killing spree the next day.

The next morning

"Wake uppppp~" you rolled and fell off the bed. "It is already 8am in the human realm we need fo hurry. Get dressed" he handed you some of the clothes slender gave to you. "You dont need shoes okay?" "Why?" "Because you're not gonna be changing into full human leave you're tags here" "but-" "leave them." You just went along with it and left. His hatchets looks like they changed a bit.."you are gonna help me kill okay? So expect to get blood on you" you nodded as you walked through the forest. "My feet feel padded" "they are, thats why i said leave you're shoes you will run faster without the weight holding you down" you guys ran through the two trees and pretty much teleported to the human realm. "Okay ready babygirl~" you nod. "Our spot is a mile away sooo hope you can run for a long time" "yea im ready" you both ran, and you you're speed you beat him a bit. Once you guys finally got there he already knew the back window was open so we went through that.

The Babysitter~ a Colby Brock Related Story WARNING Creepy, Language and, Smut.Where stories live. Discover now