Your Safe

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•Shuichi's POV•
"Say 'Aah~' Kokichi!" I said feeding him.

"O-oh Uhm— 'Aah'?" He responded.

I continued to feed until there was no food left, I already ate anyways. I just brought extra food for Kokichi.

I then threw it at Monokuma who seemed absolutely fine with it.

"Hey Kokichi..?"

He looked at me wondering on what I was about to say.

"Do you promise you won't ever go behind my back and kiss or even love someone else apart from me?" I asked deadpan serious.

He hesitated at first feeling a bit confused but then nodded.

"Okay.." I responded.

"Get me out of this fucking shit!" Yelled out a person.

"Who was that?" Kokichi asked in worry.

"Maki." I said.

Ouma was a bit happy at first but then became scared, "D-Don't hurt her—"

"Calm down, I won't hurt her.. Now stay here, I'll be back." I spoke.


"You wanna come with me?" I asked

"Yeah.." he replied.

"No." I said in a monotone.

"W-Why?! Can I please come?" Kokichi begged.

"I said fucking 'No'." I said getting pissed off.

He seemed to have stared at me while staying completely frozen worrying if he had pissed me off which he did.

I'll deal with him later.

I then started walking towards the only door in the room, "Don't come in here, if you try to then I'll make sure you regret it. Okay?" I said with a smile on my face.

"O.. Okay.." He responded.

I then went inside the room to be greeted by a pissed off Maki.

•Mali's POV•
I continued trying to get out of my restraints. Sure, I don't have an arm but my legs are fine since only one of them got shot which is now healed. Once I get out of here, I'll tell everyone the truth.

"Maki." I heard.

I turned my head not showing my fear.

"Get me out of here! I am done! What and why am I here for?! To kill me? You already had a chance to so— AAHH!"

I saw a dagger being shoved into my arm, where the hell did he Thide it?!

"Shut it. I'm busy with MY Kokichi, y'know.. The one you tried to kiss." He responded.

"Fuck you." I spat at him.

"Care To Die?"

I stopped talking knowing it would be pointless but gave him a glare at least.

"If I hear one more peep from you—" he started.

"I will—"


"The Fuck?!!" He screamed, this time he was even more angry. I could tell that he was going to kill someone by now.

"Stay right here, don't move or your dead." He said.

He then left going to check out what was happening.

I swear to god, I will kill him one day..

•No One's POV•
All of a sudden, there was a loud bang. Where did it come from? Miu's Lab.

"You are going against the school rules!" Monokuma screeched.

"W-What?! No I'm not you stupid fuck! I-I was just trying to help Kiibo with his antenna till you came here!" Miu argued.

"Then what the hell was that bang? Harming the school is not aloud!" He responded.

"Fuck off—"


Kiibo crushed Monokuma with his foot, as if he was a lot stronger than before.

"Glitches cannot be tolerated." He started.

"The hell you on about? And you do realise that Monokuma is probably going to kill you..?" Miu asked slightly worried.

Kiibo just ignored her, though the only one he had went off to was Miu. It was weird. He knocked on her dorm room in the morning and he didn't seem to move at all.

"Ugh, who's disturbing me this time— oh it's just you. What do you want?" She asked slightly annoyed.

He stayed completely still and silent.

"What happened to your antenna? You know what, just meet me in my lab after breakfast." She then walked off but then paused.

"You gonna come or not?" She asked.

He stayed still again but this time, he shook his head.

"Huh, so your still alive. And here I thought you were dead inside. Anyways, don't expect me to come into my lab straight away. I need to eat my food slowly so I can keep this body hot and thick!" She explained and walked off.

So that brings us off to here, now what was that loud bang? It was Kiibo. He ended up on smashing one of her inventions which created a hole in the lab from exploding.

"Ugh great, now I gotta fix this shit up.. Especially gotta deal with Monokuma..!" Miu spoke.

"Glitches will not be tolerated.." He responded again.

"Well at least I'm not the only crazy one here."

Then the Monokubs appeared out of nowhere.

"Which one of you freaks killed Daddy?!" Monotaro screamed.

Immediately Miu had pointed at Kiibo.

"You killed papa?! He will be very mad—"

"Glitches will not be tolerated.."

"Huh?" The Monokubs asked to be greeted with a blow to the face. Basically, they all got blasted by one of Kiibo's arms or whatever they are.

"Shit! Your gonna get us both killed! Fuck this shit I'm out—"

"Glitches will not be tolerated.."

"Calm your ass down— WHAT?!"

Kiibo started destroying Miu's inventions.

"Stop stop! I said fucking stop or you ain't getting no boobs tonight—"

"You! Your the one going against the school rules—" Immediately Monokuma was also greeted to another blow to the face just like the Monokubs.

"Kiibo!!" Miu screamed and begged him to stop while also making weird hand gestures for him to stop while Kiibo kept on killing the Monokubs and Monokuma over and over again until the door opened.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!" Screamed Shuichi.

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