
"Come on guys, is this really necessary?" I sighed as I was escorted down the corridor by two wardens.

"We've heard all about you Kingston. We know how... rough you can be."

I rolled my eyes and said "Okay, continue shaking in your boots because of little old me..." as we turned a corner.

They'll tell stories of me one day around a campfire!

They'll all shiver in their sleeping bags at the thought of....




Scared you, didn't I?

God, being in this place is making me loopy.

We came up to one of the meeting rooms and they opened the door where Price and...

Lou Sambello stood...

"Please, sit down Mr Kingston. That'll be all gentlemen." he turned his attention to the guards as the three of us sat.

I kept my eyes glared and focused on Moreno.

"So Mr Kingston, I suppose we should explain."Moreno said.

"Let's stick to formalities first. You know who I am. But who are you exactly?" I glared.

"Commissioner  Louis Moreno, also head of police advertisement for the state, Mr Kingston." He smiled coyly.

I gritted my teeth and said "A pleasure to meet you... commissioner Moreno..."

"So polite for a young man held on such charges!" he almost laughed.

I rolled my eyes and he said "Let me explain, Mr Kingston... Your father was convicted a few years ago on a... charge, let's say. While he was inside, he got clean. It was a start at least. Then, once he was released, it was at this time that the police had become well acquainted with the name 'Andrew Kingston'." I leaned back as he continued.

"To our luck, your father was arrested again, on a different charge. But, we came to an agreement. If he could help us arrest the allusive Andrew Kingston, he wouldn't have to serve time. as long as he agreed to be on parole. This whole ordeal was nothing but a setup. It took time for sure, but we were successful. Now it is to my knowledge that you have a girl back home?"

"Emma." I said, keeping a close eye on him.

"Ah yes, that's right. Anyway, we saw her as that the best way to get to you. As my grandson always says 'our strengths are our weaknesses'. Once we saw that was the way, we got Robert to hold her hostage, made the deal and then this is where Mr Price comes in. He was completely oblivious of all this until today. He told me the very clever plan that Emily..."


"Emma devised and we moulded it to fit our plan. It was simple really... And now, here you are. Right before me. Mr Kingston, our town doesn't work like most..."

"No sh*t." I scoffed.

"So I hope you are not entirely surprised. Any questions?"


I took a deep breath and said: "When can I see Emma?"

"A boy in love. I admire that. But you can see her tomorrow. In your case, I will allow one more phone call at noon. Until then..." he stood up.

Saving Emma: The Devils Game. Book 8Where stories live. Discover now