Close Each Other

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Dear diary, 

            Wow, I'll wait for good listening about your story, dear. 

Alright, I'll called the waiters come and bring the bill here. 

From behind we sit waiter come, yes sir can I help you.

He says yes please give a bill okay sir, just a second and the waiter comes and bring the slip order, here you're sir. 

Okay, can I pay by card, yes sir you can, and he brings his card to the waiter, moment sir I'll back soon. 

Fuje ask her do you want to walk with me after this or maybe I'll drop you in your place, is it possible?

Alexandra says hmm, is okay I can walk by alone, then he said no it's too late for woman like you go home, alone, I don't want you get hurt from something, is it necessary here is safe but at night in the road sometimes you will met drunker homeless. 

           She replies oh really I don't know much about this city, because this is first time I visit my family.

Thank you for your concern about me, okay I go with you.

From behind the waiter comes and bring back the card, this is your card sir and please review our food in our page social media, means in Facebook sir, and thanks for coming. 

All right and we go now, said him.

She immediately moved from her seat and followed the steps of him.

They both descended the escalator heading downstairs, on the escalator they both fell silent and it seems that many people go down the same path with them.

 Finally, they out from the mall. 

             Fuje ask her why you're silent again dear. She replies nothing I just thinking of us, what's exactly our relations is or first could be a friend.

He replies back hmm, just wait and see that we can be or not but I hope we can be a couple means like them, he showed a pair of lovers holding hands together passing in front of them.

Oh, what else.
Where's your place?
Sorry, I forgot to tell where I live, she said. Hmm, is okay we can still friend right.
Don't be shy with me, said him.

     How long you'll be here at this time, said Fuje

Alexandra says only for 2 weeks, it's summer break, my little sister want me to visit her. 

 I live in Kiraly utca 22 street, if you are still willing to drop me in my place I am glad to hear it. 

I want to drop you, please believe me, (on their way on the tram, on the tram they both always argued like old friends). 

If you have time, we can met and I'll saw you how beautiful Budapest by night on the top side. 

     Really, you want to be my guider of this city, said her. Yes, off course but I only have time night means around 16:30 until middle of night.

In the morning around 09:00 until 15:00 I must work, that's my schedule you can save in your phone. 

Can you give your phone number?  I also give my private number especially only with you. 

'Wow', we met only couple hours since we always say greeting in dating website, said hers. 

Ha ha ha, said him laugh too. If I drop you in your place, did someone will be angry? 

Like your parents maybe.

         Alexandra ask him, "What time is it?" his replies is around 22:00 or you afraid to go home.

No, at that's time my dad still in the office and my mom accompany my sister to watch television, I think but perhaps. 

"What's" time your dad go home? 

 My dad go home around 23:00 sometimes 00:00 oh, really?

What's exactly your dad work?

Its secret said her.
Okay, I'll not asking about that, I know someday you'll tell me everything.

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