He prepares to moving job

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"So, if I got change for my work maybe I'll go abroad to another country.

"Oh really, means our relationship will be ended, said Alexandra (her face is weak and sad).

"No, sweetheart we're still able to see each other, no saying good bye.

Fuje tries to understand what her feeling right now.

He knows that they met couple days, make her sad, and he directly see her red eyes in her face, too.

Fuje tries to give little hugging to her than he says don't be sad my love, I'll consciously to loving you.

Her mood's weak and she tries want ignore what exactly her hidden emotion, but him still knew what's she felt.

"Please my love, don't make me upset",

I know it will be hard to our relationship,

I know it was beginning for our trust, believe me I'll not disappointed to you.

"In Meanwhile, they walk together in the stop by the tram number 49, with long face her mood still weak, over and over again".

Fuje doesn't want made her tears, she was shocking about what happen before, he tries to make calm down her weak, every step to go the line street of panorama Buda looks blur in her eyes.

She doesn't has courage to take a shoot picture, 'oh, dear.

What's exactly I did to her and I don't want to hurt her feeling about what I saying before,

"Please don't be upset my love".

He stops his feet and rest for a while in the three with long chair,
he sits before he continue to walk again.

Alexandra open her mouth and she says I'm sorry to make you worry,
I don't mean it.

I know my weak like childish to you, because I want to make love with you in here, she tries to hold on his two hand in her chess.

He smiles and kiss her forehead, I love you sweetheart.

He says, "I don't want to lose you", 
and let's try together to make love
because of trust and believe each other,

we'll definitely passed, in this time also be longer for our love.

"Promise me, don't make me cry".

I'll promise to you with my heart deeply inside and with the name of Allah Almighty, I'll never ever to make you cry.

Because our love is pureness of heart, I put you're in the first I saw you in web dating,

since I saw you there than I said myself these is my soul mate.

If someday, I met this girl I'll definitely to love her for first until the end of my age than it was miracle happen,

I really surprise when you're respond my last message in web dating.

"Every single time, I said thank to Allah Almighty",  that was miracle really happen to us.

So, we can trust and believe that our love will be the last forever, someday, he wants go to his country to introduce his girlfriend to his parents.

I hope you are not refused my love.

"Oh, really said Alexandra, I love too".

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