Finally, I love you

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"How much",  he miss her and why she never message to him, which mind a lot of answering from Fuje. 

Her watch 08:00 is look to early to go his apartment, but he calls almost 3 times in the morning, she makes feel mumble when she use transportation, mean metro tram number 9. 

OMG, this man is disturbing me in the morning, he doesn't care what I'm doing in the morning. And I didn't answer what's his feeling to me. 

He knows that I'm not typical of sudden to accept proposed. 

In his message; he said, "Hay, sweet girl how are you? 

"Why" you never message me? 

Are you mad of me? Or you doesn't want to be my girl. 

"Oh, gosh it was terrible really I mean he is too sudden of me".

We have appointment in the coffee shop nearby his apartment,

because I don't want to meet him in his place, before he works in the morning. 

I'm arriving in time, but he doesn't appear at all. So, I must wait him, 

I order cappuccino to the waiter and plain croissant. 

I call him ...

"Hay",  I already in the coffee shop, could you please come soon, in the line phone, he replies okay dear moment I'll go now. 

The weather morning is a lot of sunny and I use sunglasses to ignore the UV (ultra violet), it made me difficult, because her eyes is very sensitive. 

From behind the shop, he comes with sunglasses. I saw him walk to find where I sit in the shop and I was very amazed to see the beam of his eyes, when he removed his glasses, and he put them on his head, but I was hypnotized not from the corner of his eyes which was very tempting, but from his charming, my mouth was locked and speechless.

"OMG", why no one to choose him as boyfriend in this city? 

Did they blind of them eyes or same as me, right now. 

Suddenly, my thoughts about him were knocked by his touch to my face, and I felt embarrassed. Hmm, what you thinking dear said him to me. 

"Oh, nothing I just amazed that someone gentlemen come to me, and he said do you want to be my girl? 

"Wow,  Who? Said him ...

Did you already reserve your order meal? Yes, here that's mine. 

The waiter come in my table, yes can I help you? I order espresso and sandwich tuna.

"Okay, sir just give 5 minute, your order will ready. 

He ask her about why I never message him after he drop me last two days.

And she replies that she still busy do the final project than I must accompany my sister doing homework. 

He says, "I must envy to your sister, his eyes and his mood looks sad.".

Today, you have time date with me, he ask to me, and she replies I love too.

His mood's change after hearing what Alexandra saying. 

"Really", you are not joking with me, no I love to date with you. 

Fuje reflexively holds her hand, and tries to kiss the tiny hand of the girl sitting next to him. So, we are dating in the second times, am I right? 

She replies no, we're dating in the first time and hope you are satisfied of my answer. 

The waiter is coming and bring his meal and coffee. 

He drinks his coffee and I saw him when he drink, eat, oh his charm is melting in my heart. 

Are you finish for your meal, said him. 

Yes, already finish. Then, now where do you go? 

I'll go to see museum Archeology, oh, you bring camera digital too, yes off course. 

Because I love a photography, it was my passion not only make poems and drawing. 

"Oh, how lucky I'm right now. Having a girlfriend like who you're. 

Alright, my meal also done, we're going now. 

"Where's your place"? Alexandra ask him and he replies that's my place, behind the coffee shop.

Later, we'll stop by but off course is too sudden for my girlfriend. 

Fuje  took her little hand and said thanks for wanting to accept me as my girlfriend. 

Hope we'll be like fairy tale as I wish. 

Can we're the same direction to go there, asking Alexandra.

I love too sweetheart said him, your wishes also my wishes and we'll be like fairy tale, so how about you? 

Where do you go after having breakfast with me? Is that possible if I went to go your work? 

"Oh, really you want to join and see how hard work I am. 

Maybe, later dear ... to sudden for you, after eat breakfast with you.

 I'll go to work but before I must to go the Erasmus university, first because the administration calling me and is look like they give a change about my proposal. 

What doesn't mean? I apply my achievement to search about another job, in Budapest it's a lot of cut from the governor like tax and randomly for immigrant work like me they give small salary.

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