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TB(Team Breaker) Grunt's POV

    The Breaker crew, our leader, Master Coal, and I were headed towards this place called the Hall of Origins. Now if you're thinking we want to awaken Arceus from his slumber you are very wrong...
We're here to awaken... Aavin (Ae-veon) the Forgotten Legendary Pokémon guardian/watcher over humans.

Why him? Because he is Arceus's right hand man like companion...he's the second strongest Pokémon out there other than Arceus himself. At least of what we could tell...

We may not have the items to unlock his seal, but we do have some very strong Pokémon to power their way through to Aavin. Hopefully, that, way they will be able to wake him up, so he can awaken himself out of the seal. He may not follow our commands, but we'll make him with a lazer that'll control him. Aavin will have just awakened from his slumber I doubt he'll have much power to fight back. He's been sealed away for some years now, maybe about 3 decades now.

Anyways enough talking. We were just about to enter Aavin's chamber until we were met by a mysterious Pokémon neither of us have ever seen before...

The Pokémon had light red and orange dragon wings, a dragon tail, and a fierce yet adorable red orange-ish eyes, looked like a shiny Poké was about the size of an Umbreon but just slightly bigger. I brought my Pokédex to see what Pokémon it was...but all I got was 'no data' same with everyone else. We just walked around it knowing we were bigger than it, we thought it'd have ran away from us. Unfortunately we were wrong. As we were about to pass the mysterious Pokémon it shot a Dragon Pulse as us. We were able to dodge it, luckily. I threw out my Pokéball, and ordered my Lycanroc, midnight form, to use Shadow Ball right at it, and it collapsed to the ground hard from the hit. I returned my Lycanroc after that.

"Huh...what a strange yet weak Pokémon. Hmp let's keep going, it's not worth our time, even if it may be a new or a shiny Pokémon. We must continue onward for what we came here for," Master Coal exclaimed

We all nodded and kept going, only to be stopped by a Shadow Ball aimed straight towards Master Coal. He took a direct hit from it and was caught by his two body guard grunts Saphina (Suh-Fean-Ah) and Ace.

"Master! Are you alright sir?" Saphina asked

"I'm just fine. HEY! WHO'S THERE!" Master Coal shouted

In return it was greeted by a mischievous laugh, a low tone definitely some adult man's laugh. Why here?

"Ha. I should be asking you the same question," the voice stated as we saw a tall man

He was wearing a red hoodie over his head, and black jeans as he came out of the shadows. The shadow above his head disappeared and his is eyes were glaring a deep crimson at us. A grin crossed his face as he came out. The strange thing was that...he came from the same direction where the Shadow Ball was shot from. However, there was no Pokémon in sight near or around by his side, so who was the one behind the Shadow Ball?

"Who are you...," Master Coal asked seriously

We go silence in return and the mysterious dragon Pokémon got up, and leaned its head against the boys right leg and nuzzling it. The man pet the small dragon Pokémon.

"I'll say it ONE MORE TIME. Who. Are. YOU!?" Master Coal ordered as the man came up to him walking slowly as if it were a game to him

The Pokémon was by his side, as the man grinned, ever so slightly, before going to a default, little, frown. His hands were in his red hoodie, with his hoodie dropping from his head from the sudden change of wind filling the room but where did it come from?

It wasn't windy outside at all, and we were underground. As his hoodie dropped from his head it revealed his red hair and his glaring crimson eyes. What I found strange was that his pupils were blue, not the usual black. Nevertheless, he began to answer Master Coal's question.

"My ———... remember it well, for you won't be leaving here with that information. Goodbye," he said as his frown turned into a grin

His glaring crimson eyes started glowing brightly...and then he did a slight wave with his hand. He ordered the Pokémon called ———- to use some move and we all hit darkness as we fell to the ground.

Time skip

When I woke up it felt like I was dreaming, because I woke up in my bed. The other grunts had woken up in their beds too, but no one talked about what happened that day. About what happened in the ruins.
Sooner or later we continued on with our day. I don't think anyone told Master Coal about whatever that strange dream was. With that, Team Breaker went back to their usual goal. Trying to awaken Arceus from its slumber.


Wait...something's wrong...

Time skip

I woke up and remembered nothing of what happened. It just a crazy dream...right? Not lingering in that though for too long, I went back to work as the crew and I worked on trying to awaken Arceus from its slumber. That way we can rule the world...

No One's POV

After Team Breaker's memories were rewritten from the mysterious red-head they went back with their new memories. Their new goal being to find Arceus's seal and awaken him to create havoc over the world and conquer it all. That was until...a certain boy and his gang got in their way...
To Be Continued...

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