Chapter 13: A Battle For a Friend

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Ash's POV

    "Let's go everyone! Attack!" I shouted as all the Pokémon attacked Aavin

"You fools!" Aavin growled

"Everyone before me should just disappear! You are the reason this world will never be at peace! Disappear now!" He shouted as he shot everyone away from him

His aura was so great! It was filled, fueled, with darkness.

"N, can you reach him?" I asked him as we regrouped

"I'm not sure. I don't think I can, by just talking. Don't you have friends that you've told me about? A friend who can reach Pokémon deeper than others?" He asked

It took me a while to think about what he meant until it hit me, Sheena. I nodded my head as it just so happened that she ran into me.

"Sheena! You think you can get close to Aavin?" I asked her

"I can try, but I can't promise anything," she answered

She closed her eyes as she did her thing, folding her hands too.

Sheena's POV

"Transcend the confines of time and space," I called as I was able to tap into Aavin's heart

•Inside Aavin's heart•

I could see Aavin, but it was just slightly that I could see him visible. He was there though, that was all I could be thankful for.

"Aavin, hear me out," I called

"Disappear!" He shouted back, blasting his powerful aura my way

It wasn't enough to blast me away so I stayed where I was. When I tried going closer it was even harder than with Arceus. It felt like I was trudging my way in slow motion, slowly making my way, yet taking forever. I wasn't even passed the lighter red bit before Aavin pushed me away again.

He was surrounded in a very dark crimson red and a lighter red around that. His heart was dark, something was wrong. I bet it has something to do with the machine Ash informed me about.

Knowing I wasn't going to get any further I left to try and return to inform Ash about what I saw. Unfortunately for some reason I wasn't able to and then I saw a flashback.


Ash's POV

Sheena hadn't moved after trying to connect with Aavin and I started getting worried. Luckily Kevin was here with us, he took her somewhere safe and told us he'd inform us if anything happened.

"Ash!" Kevin shouted

"What is it?" I asked

"It's Sheena, she isn't waking up! She just collapsed and stayed there. Usually she's completely still when she's calming the Pokémon or opens her eyes should something go wrong. I think Aavin might've done something!" He exclaimed

"Calm down, Kevin. We'll find a way to help out, but right now we need to stabilize Aavin as well as we can. If something worse happens I fear it could effect Sheena as well," I explained

He nodded his head. Then we all put our focus on Aavin.

"Please be safe, Sheena,"


Sheena's POV

I opened my eyes. What I saw was shocking. It was Arceus and Aavin.

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