Chapter 14: Team Breaker Disbanded & Dejected Feelings

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Breaker's POV

    "What!" Everyone from the team exclaimed

I knew they wouldn't take this very well, but I think it's the only choice.

"Ace, Saphina, all of you. I think it's better if we do so. Who knows what the future awaits? My father was caught up in his obsession with the Legendary Pokémon Aavin that it almost destroyed this team, along with everyone else. I don't want that to happen again. I know there's reasons all of you joined Team Breaker, but I'm telling you now that none of that matters. We can be free after today, we will be. However, it doesn't mean we won't ever see each other again, we can still keep in contact and whatnot, just not as Team Breaker. As friends," I explained

The whole team started shaking. Some were crying and others just nodded their heads. Ace and Saphina came up to hug me.

"Since when did you became so big and grown up?" Ace laughed

"Our little Breaker can make his own decisions now," Saphina agreed

I knew Ace and Saphina my whole life. They may be older than me, but they always felt like siblings I never had when dad wasn't around. Speaking of my dad, I don't think I'll see him around the house anymore. That's alright, I'll have all of my friends to hang out with.

"Do you all agree?" I then asked, after giving everyone a moment to calm down

It took a moment until everyone was nodding their heads. We all started leaving the ancient chambers. A hand stopped me from heading though. It was Ash.

"Just know this, Breaker. You'll always be welcomed to join us on our adventures,"

Shock was written all over my face, "after everything I did?"

"It wasn't your choice. Even I can tell that much," Aavin walked right beside me

I had to use all of my willpower to not cry. Instead I nodded my head.

"Thank you, Ash, Aavin. Thank you all for showing us the truth," then I rushed off

Ace and Saphina were waiting for me. This may be the end for our team, but I think it's only the starting for me.

Whatever the future holds for me, I'll be ready.

Aavin's POV

    After Team Breaker left, now disbanded, it was just the original group. The group that started this recent journey. Plus Hau, Gladion and Lillie from the real OGs twenty years ago.

"Harmonia, are you leaving already?" I noticed the man in the green hair starting to leave

He turned around, a sad look in his eyes, "unfortunately I, too, am busy. It's been great to see you all again,"

"I'll see you around then," I did a small salute

He did a salute back as Ash and the others said goodbye. Before leaving completely, he ran back to me, which was very out of character for him, and then hugged me.

"I truly hope you don't forget me, because I won't ever forget you. I won't let you become forgotten again," he whispered in my ear

My eyes widened, thankfully I was facing away from the others, as I processed what he just said. How did he know? I don't remember ever telling him. Then again, this is N we're talking about. Whatever, it still felt strange for him to be hugging me. I eventually hugged him back before he really left.

"Well, now that that's over, let's go get something to eat!" Ash exasperated, his stomach growling

Everyone laughed. Everyone but me. I was still facing where N just left. While doing so, a memory flashed through my mind.

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