Chapter 4: Strange Dreams...

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???'s POV

My partner ———- came back, and told me what happened.

"Hmm, interesting. Well...i's time...," I told him as I pat his head, he nodded in agreement

"Hey, why don't you go see what they're up to once morning hits? You don't need to tell me when you leave," I said

After our little interaction, we both went to bed...

Bonnie's POV

It was dark in my dream, and I saw some figure come into was...Clemont?

"Hey! Clemont! Over here!" I shouted which got his attention

He just stood there, but he had some Pokémon with him, but I couldn't tell what it was they were both under a shadow/covered up by a shadow. The Pokémon though was some dragon Pokémon, because I could make out the wings and horns on its head. They just stood there for a while. Suddenly, the person, who I thought was Clemont, moved his hand. I collapsed on the ground, suddenly.

"This definitely wasn't Clemont...but who then?" I wondered before waking up

Clemont's POV

    I was asleep right now, but in my dream, I was in a dark area. I saw some dragon-like Pokémon bright red and orange with orange and red eyes. It just stared at me, and then it tilted head as a shadow ball near it came towards me. Thankfully I dodged it, but it was far too close for comfort. Due to the shock of what had just occurred, I instantly woke up. I tried going back asleep, but nothing. Then morning hit...

Serena's POV

   In my dream Sylveon and I were dancing around. Then Sylveon spotted someone. Right after that, we were about to get hit by a Dragon Pusle, but Sylveon countered it with Swift. I couldn't see the Pokémon, because it was in some bush. After the dust, left in the wake from both attacks, cleared, I woke up, noticing it was morning...

Ash's POV

    Pikachu and I were playing around before Pikachu spotted something and went up to a bush. Inside the bush was the dragon Pokémon from the day before...

"Hey there! Why are you in my dreams....huh?" I asked, not expecting it to respond before I heard a voice reply

"It's because my owner sent me...,"

Curious as to who spoke, I looked around. When I didn't see anyone around me, I looked down at the dragon Pokémon. It couldn't have been....right?

Not knowing who else could've spoke, I asked, "Telepathy? Who are you?"

"M— his don't need to know. I thought I told you not to talk to him...," I heard another voice say as I saw a big Pokémon come in

This Pokémon looked almost like a Silvally but with Arceus's features with his instead of gold but red ring around its waist.

"Who are you?" I asked again

"You'll find out who I am shortly....but not now..." the voice faded away

The ominous voice was suddenly replaced and distorted into a similar one.

"Wake up Ash...WAKE UP ASH!!!" The person shouted

I woke up and saw Bonnie trying to wake me up because I overslept again. The rest of the day was normal, it seemed like we all wanted to say something, but didn't have the courage to do so.

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