Chapter 5: A New Ally?

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Ash's POV

    We arrived at the Hall of Origins and went straight towards Arceus's chambers. There, we saw the entrance to the chamber next to Arceus's and walked in.

The bad thing was...we almost got hit by a Shadow Ball on our way in. Thankfully we all dodged it in time. Then, we saw the dragon Pokémon appear in front of us. The Pokémon just looked at us before walking further into the chamber. We followed behind it, before it suddenly came to a halt. It turned around and tilted its head.

"Wait...I've seen this! DUCK!" Clemont yelled as a Shadow Ball came right towards us

Thanks to Clemont foreseeing this, we dodged it just in time.

"Hey! Who was that! Come out!" I shouted

My question was returned by a snicker of, what sounded, like a low male's voice.

"Well...well. What do we have here?" The voice trailed off before they revealed themselves to us, "oh," they didn't seem impressed

We saw a man about our age, with a red hoodie on, the hoodie over his head covering his face with a shadow. There was a glint of blue in his eyes as he walked towards the dragon Pokémon. He stopped right next to the dragon Pokémon, as the dragon came up to him and nuzzled its head next to the guy.

"Hey! Who are you? Is that your Pokémon? It's really cool! It even helped us out in Arceus's chamber! You may not know about wh— I know why Drakian helped you yesterday...," I started up a conversation before he interrupted me, continuing

"It's be—Wait what?" I questioned accidentally interrupting him

The man sighed, "Like I way saying. I know why Drakian helped you yesterday. It's because I told him to...,"

"Oh...wait so Drakian is the dragon Pokémon's name? That's cool, what is it? I tried using my Pokédex and it just said 'no data'...," I was intrigued

"That's because he's only, maybe even the last, of his kind. That I've seen, at least. He's an eeveeloution. The dragon form of Eevee, Drakian. He's a Wyveron dragon to be exact," the man explained

"Oh well, can you answer my other question? Who are you then...," I asked once more

The man smirked.

"My name is...Asrar...Asrar Dusk...,"
To Be Continued...


"My name is...Asrar...Asrar Dusk...," the guy revealed, as a sudden wind gust came through the chamber

The odd thing was wasn't windy outside at all. Also, we're underground...
The wind blew off Dusk's hoodie, revealing Dusk's red hair and his crimson red eyes. His pupils were blue, which was strange. Also, he had some blue bits peaking out in his red hair. Almost resembling ears.

"So, Dusk, why are you here?" I asked, again

"Hmp. How rude. I tell you my name and you don't even introduce yourselves? Jeez. What has this world come to? Anyway, for one, you can call me Asrar. Friends or not. For your other question, I should be asking the same thing," the man frowned

"Why are you guys here? And who are you?" Asrar barked, his eyes, at least to me, started glowing a scary crimson with a hint of blue

"Oh my bad," I laughed, sweat dropping, "My name is Ash! Ash Ketchum!" I introduced

"I'm Clemont!"

"Bonnie is my name! I'm Clemont's little sister!"

"Serena is my name!" the others said as they followed suit

"Yeah! And we're here because, well, you may not believe this but, we all had a dream of your Drakian! Then our dreams connected and in the dream we were here, near Arceus's chambers. We figured our dreams were telling us to come back to check out this chamber next to Arceus's. So we did and then we ran into you and Drakian," I explained

"Hm? My Pokémon? Well as much as I'd like to say he's my partner, believe it or not, he's wild. I've trained him as a wild Pokémon ever since he was an Eevee. Eventually, for a short time, I caught him, before destroying his Pokéball to set Drakian free. It was the last time I thought we'd be together, back when he was still an Eevee. Then, he came back to me as a wild Drakian. I haven't caught him since," Asrar shrugged

We all dropped at this.

"Though he did find his old Pokéball, so I repaired it, and now I guess it works? So he belongs to me, but I almost never put him in his Pokéball. It's confusing now," Asrar added

"Let's just say I'm not a fan of trapping creatures in Pokéballs. Also, with those dreams, that was me too. And the Shadow Ball that came at you so suddenly...— it was you...wasn't it..." I interrupted

"Yea..." Asrar nodded

"So you're like N! At least when it comes to Pokémon and Pokéballs," I pointed out

"N...," He hummed

"What! But why? And how?" Bonnie wondered puzzled

"It's because of the chamber you're in right now. This chamber is for the Forgotten Legendary Pokémon...,"
To Be Continued...

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