Chapter 7: The Search for N

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Ash's POV

    After leaving Asrar in Aavin's chamber we headed over into Arceus's chamber. Drakian spotted a Pokéball near where N disappeared. I picked it up and then tossed it into the air, to see if there was any Pokémon in it. Out came a Zoroark, N's Zoroark to be specific....

"Zor, zor! Roak!" Zoroark said

"Dra, dra Drakian!" Drakian responded as he and Zoroark had a little conversation

They seemed to know each other real well. I wonder if they had met before. Perhaps Asrar knew N? If he did, why didn't he tell us?

"Hey Drakian, mind if I ask a question?" I asked it shook its head in saying 'no'

"Do you know N? Does Asrar know N? The person we're looking for? Because that Zoroark you're interacting with is N's. You seem to be having a good conversation with him," I pointed out

"Well,'s complicated. Talk to Asrar, but don't tell him I told you this!" a voice responded

"Wait...Drakian? Was that you?" I questioned

"Was that who?"

"What're you talking about Ash?" The guys were confused

"I...I just heard Drakian's voice again! Just like when I heard him in my dream!" I exclaimed, shocked

Once I said that we all turned to face Drakian.

He nodded his head, replying, "yep! That's me!"

This time everyone heard it.

"Whoa! Since when could you talk?" Bonnie asked

"It's telepathy. I'll explain that later, once we're done finding some trace of N," Drakian turned to Zoroark

"Zoroark do you have any idea where N could be? Or who to ask if we don't find anything here?" He asked, still talking through telepathy so we could all be a part of the conversation

Zoroark nodded its head. It had us follow it outside Arceus's chamber, and it went towards Aavin's chambers. Then, it ran towards something, even faster, as we ran after it. Suddenly, we heard....laughing?

Asrar's POV

    As I was getting bored, still waiting for the guys to come out, I started to peak my head outside of the chamber. As far as I could go without that force field interfering, only to be tackled by a black and red Pokémon. Zoroark, but not just any Zoroark. It was Harmonia's.

"Hey girl! It's been awhile huh? H-H-Hey! Stop that! It tickles!" I started laughing as Zoroark licked me in the face, she probably missed me from the twenty years I've been away

"Sorry, it's just it's been...well...forever since I last saw you! It feels like it was only 5 years, or so," she exclaimed, getting off me when we saw the others coming

"Well, believe it or not it's been about 2 decades...," I said

Clemont's POV

    "Well, believe it or not it's been about 2 decades...," I heard Asrar say to Zoroark as we ran into the room

We talked about what we found out, so far.

"Whoa, so N dropped Zoroark's Pokéball? Huh...," Asrar responded

I didn't question Asrar or tell the others during the time about him saying something about it being 2 decades...

"Hmm what could've happened 2 decades ago?" I thought to myself, not noticing Asrar looking at me concerned

"Hey Clemont, you okay?" Asrar asked getting everyone's attention

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah, hey it's getting late we should head back to the ho—so this is where you've been...A,"
To Be Continued...

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