Chapter 10: Awaken Here & Now!

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Ash's POV

We just arrived at Aloha. Right once we got off, we were greeted by three people named Hau, Lillie and Gladion. He was real!

Gladion claimed he happened to be with the two because of Lillie. We quickly explained the situation to them. They didn't seem to believe us at first, but when Gladion saw the necklace I showed them his mood changed. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, Drakian disappeared elsewhere, he didn't say where.

"Hmm interesting, but if I may ask. Who are your friends, Ash?" Gladion questioned, staring at them

"Oh right sorry, this is Clemont, Bonnie and Serena!" I introduced

"Oh hello there! I'm Lillie, this is my older brother Gladion, and our friend and still Aloha Champion, Hau!" Lillie greeted back

"Well, technically I would say in my head and tell these guys he is the Aloha Champion. He almost beat me, but our battle was undecided from the island guardians putting it to a stop and on hold, so we never got to truly finish it," Hau argued

"Huh? So Tapu Koko, Lele, Fini, and Bulu stopped the fight? But why? And why didn't you two finish it afterwards?" Serena asked, having known a little bit about Aloha's Guardians from her great grandma's visit some years ago

"And who do you mean by, this guy?" Bonnie added

"Oh well our friend, Asrar. He's A—before Hau answered Bonnie's question he was interrupted

"Wait, you know Asrar, right?" Gladion asked

"Huh? I mean yeah we know him. We even met Concordia and Athena. We didn't know he knew them until we saw them," I told them

"Not that, I mean did he tell you guys?" Gladion sighed

"Hm? He told us about this forgotten legendary Pokémon," Clemont stated

"And?" Gladion wondered

"Concordia and Athena told us about a tale of Aavin when he would go under his human alias of Aiden Dark, who you guys seemed to know," Serena added

"And?" Hau pushed

"And what? He has a Pokémon named Drakian who's an eeveelution. Asrar put a gate in front of Aavin's chamber?" I questioned

"So he didn't trust you enough to tell you guys...," Gladion mumbled, but we all heard it

"Tell us what?" I asked

"Tell you about A— Hau was about to say something but was stopped

"We shouldn't tell them if Asrar didn't, Hau!" Gladion glared at him

Something caught my attention though, Gladion was wearing a red key necklace. It was similar to the same blue key necklace I found on the ground next to the gates.

"Hey Gladion, what's that necklace you're wearing?" I asked

"Oh this? It's nothing, just forget I—Lillie interrupted Gladion

"Hey I'm just going to say this! Asrar has been hiding a lot from you guys! Myself and the others need to tell you the truth. We hardly know these guys, but I sense good in them, guys! Let's tell them! They deserve to know!" Lillie stated taking a stand

"Fine then. All and all Asrar told you about Aavin as you know. Concordia and Athena told you about Aavin as a human named Aiden Dark, and how Asrar knew about Aavin's backstory. The reason he knew about the tale of Aavin so well is because he is Aavin. He wasn't just telling some old tale, it's because he, himself, is Aavin. Meaning he is also Aiden Dark, Aavin's human name, from the story Concordia and Athena told you. He knows it by heart because he would never want to forget the time he had with us. We knew him as Asrar, not Aiden Dark. Aiden Dark has been his alias from years before us. It's been 2 decades since. Asrar can't leave Aavin's chamber because he is still sealed up. His powers are at least. He left the seal, but his powers are still inside. He can't leave his chamber like because the seal is still doing its job, trapping him and keeping him contained," Gladion explained

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