Chapter 11: Calling All Mythical & Legendary Pokémon!

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Aavin's POV

    "Hello everyone," I greeted with telepathy

In return got all silence. Well, except for my older friends.

"Oh I'm glad you're back with your true powers Asrar!" Drakian greeted using telepathy

"It's great to see again, Aavin," Gladion greeted as well

"Thanks Drakian, Gladion, but I don't think the others are too excited. Here," I used telepathy responding back to the two

After speaking the last word, I transformed back into my human form, Asrar as I go by.

"This better?" I asked, pointing at my human self

"Don't mind them. I think it's just because it's been two decades since we learned about you being Aavin. Then we had to say goodbye almost right after," Gladion pointed out

"Fair. It was my mistake, though. Coming back in my human form and not telling Ash and his friends...we—before I could finish I got shot by some laser beam

I transformed back to my Pokémon form, hoping they didn't see my human was them.

Gladion's POV

As Aavin was talking he got interrupted by someone yelling 'fire!', which he couldn't hear. Suddenly, a red laser beam hit him.

"AAVIN! Come on out Silvally!" I yelled as Silvally came out of its Pokéball

"Accept this dark memory and rampage as the demonic beast! Now use Multi-Attack!" I shouted as I gave the dark type disc

Silvally would've destroyed the machine had it not gotten blocked by a grunt's Salamance.

"Now! Use Dragon Claw!" The grunt ordered

"Dodge it and use Multi-Attack again!" I shouted

We started battling it out after that, but what I hadn't realized, was that the boss of Team Breaker was walking up to Aavin, who had the laser still on him.

Ash's POV

    As Gladion was fighting off the grunt, I went over to Aavin to try to get this laser off him, as the others battled the other grunts. I kept Greninja in Clemont's hands.

"Aavin! Hang in there!" I told him

"You d-don't think I'm t-trying? Arg!" Aavin responded, pain in his voice

"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt! Aim at the machine!" I ordered

Pikachu nailed the machine dead on, breaking it. Unfortunately for us...we were too late.

Asrar's POV

I was finally freed from the agonizing pain of the laser trying to take control of me. Once it left I could felt myself fall to the ground, transforming back to my human form.

I was out, but before I fell unconscious I heard shouts of 'what no way! That kid was Aavin!?' or ' weak' I ignored it all. I rolled Drakian's Pokéball to Ash so he could stay safe, before caving into unconsciousness.

"Stay safe, Drakian,"

Gladion's POV

I could barely see the laser machine get destroyed, freeing Aavin from its control. But I did see Aavin collapsed right after, transforming back into Asrar. He rolled a Pokéball to Ash as Ash went over to check on Aavin.

However, when Asrar woke up, it wasn't him. He had a dark crimson aura. His eyes turned from their normal crimson to a very deep wine-like color. That pupil was now navy.

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