Chapter 15: We'll Be Waiting

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No One's POV

    "This is where I say my goodbyes,"

After hearing Aavin say that it certainly shocked everyone. The tear coming down from his eye didn't help. Nor did the noticeable shaking and staggered breathing after he said that. What happened next completely shocked everyone. Aavin collapsed to the ground, shaking as tears came down harder. Drakian was right by his side, trying to comfort him.

The first one to make a move was Gladion. He came to his level and simply hugged him. Lillie and Hau followed not long after. Then Ash, Bonnie, Serena and Clemont.

They stayed like that until the sun finally went down. Aavin had collected himself, fully, as they stood back up. Everyone had some pink under their eyes because they had been crying as well.

"Where are you heading?" Gladion asked

"Somewhere you guys won't be able to follow. Though, once I'm done there, I'll be wandering the world. Whether to greet some other legendaries or to see more of what this world has to offer," he trailed off

"How long?" Hau asked

Aavin hesitated with his answer before answering, "It'll likely be far too long to ever see you guys again,"

Everyone looked down, understanding what this meant.

"So then...this really is goodbye," Lillie realized why he had reacted so strongly earlier, other then also missing the times he had with them

"Well you know what?" Ash suddenly spoke up

Aavin and the others looked up to hear what he had to say.

"No matter how long it may be. Even if we may not be around. Know this, Aavin,"

"We won't let you become forgotten again! Our descendants will learn of you, and they'll be waiting for you, too! And their descendants as well! Until you finally find them along your journey!" The fact that Ash had said something strikingly similar to N almost made Aavin cry again

However, he didn't, shockingly. Drakian flew up to Aavin.

"You've got some great friends, Aavin," he stated

Aavin nodded. He took the Pokéball in his hand from earlier and used some power of his to change its appearance. It now has a dragon symbol on the top and was a darker shade of red, between a regular Pokéball and a Cherryball.

"Ash," he walked up to him, handing him said Pokéball

"Can I entrust you with Drakian?" Drakian looked at him, shocked

"I'm not coming with?" He was torn now, assuming he'd be coming with Aavin

Aavin shook his head, "where I'll be going, you won't be able to come. The others have already been released into the wild. I'll come back for you, this much I promise," he said, kneeling to be at even with Drakian's height

Drakian frowned, spitting a small Ember his way. His burnt face made Drakian smile. Eventually he cleared the burns.

"Happy?" He laughed

Drakian kept smiling. Then, Aavin stood back up, looking at Ash, awaiting his response.

Ash looked back to Aavin, "you have my word,"

Aavin nodded, satisfied.

"Then I bid you all, farewell," he stepped back, transforming

"May you all find peace in this world, and keep your companions close to you. I trust you can keep this world from destroying itself. For while I'll be around, I won't be able to see everything. Drakian, I give you the best of wishes. I know Ash has something big in stored for you. Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, I hope you all have an amazing adventure and keep up the good work within Kalos. Hau, Lillie, Gladion, I'm sorry our reunion was very short, as well as our adventure. I know there's something big for you three in the future. Gladion and Lillie especially,"

From there Aavin started flying off. Ash, Serena, Bonnie, Clemont, Gladion, Hau and Lillie were all shouting at him. Mixed shouts of 'goodbye!'; 'until next time!'; 'have a safe trip!' And many more comments.

"I may be leaving now, but I know when I come back, their descendants will make them proud," Aavin said to itself

After Aavin was gone from their sight the seven of them, eight with Drakian, left to get food. Eventually the five said goodbye to Hau, Lillie and Gladion too.

"It may have been short, but it was nice to meet you, Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie," Hau said

"Yes! It was wonderful to meet you and work alongside you!" Lillie exclaimed

The two looked at Gladion, pointedly. He simply shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever. It was nice to meet you all,"

Hau slapped him on the back, in a friendly way, while Gladion simply death-stared him. Lillie got between the two as they boarded the plane.

"Guess this is goodbye," Ash said

The three nodded, waving before heading on. As the plane left Ash, Serena, Bonnie and Clemont were waving back. Once they left the four continued their mission to challenge Olympia.

It wouldn't be until later that, on the way, Bonnie would encounter Squishy as the four, five with Drakian, tell Professor Sycamore. From there they would carry on their adventure, not expecting a certain someone to be carrying out their evil plans. Plus Ash and Greninja finding out they have some bond phenomenon.

That can wait, right now, they were happy as they were. Not knowing what awaits them.
The End.

???'s POV

"It's time,"

"Initiate Project AZ,"
To Be Continued...

(A/N: It's finally over! Sorry if this felt rushed, I am prepared to move onto the next sequel, which will be the last for this series! [Unless I choose to add one about Aavin's life outside of the seal, his life with Drakian as an Eevee still] I'll be working on the human forms of the legendaries plus that one scene as we speak!!!! Signing out for now!

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