Chapter 6: Asrar Dusk, a Guardian of the Seal

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Asrar's POV

"Huh! The Forgotten Legendary Pokémon!" They all shouted in sync

I sighed, holding my hands to my ears after Ash's group shouted at me. My Pokémon ears were out so my hearing was a bit more sensitive than normal.

"Yes. Here put these'll explain the short summary of the Forgotten Legendary Pokémon Aavin...," I handed Ash's group 3-D modified  glasses

~~~Story Starts~~~

As you've heard the world started from a single egg. That egg became Arceus, and he created the three Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina rulers of space and time. Then, Giratina would later be banished. He now rules over the void.

Arceus would continue to create Groudon, and create the seas and islands.
Sinnoh being the first, of the many islands.
Due to Kyogre and Groudon's natural opposites and diverse personalities, the two get into disputes...a lot...
These mere arguments would later turn into battles, so dangerous, that Arceus was forced to create Rayquaza, ruler of the Ozone Layer. Also, a watcher among Kyogre and Groupon. An equal foe, yet powerful enough to stop the duo's fighting. To this day, Rayquaza has been successful each and every time.

The other Mythicals and legendaries don't matter right now. This is all the gist of what everyone knows, currently.

However, you're all mistaken. During the creation of Giratina, Palkia and Dialga....there was one more. The forgotten Pokémon, Aavin. Aavin was set as the guardian/ watcher over human beings.

Unfortunately for him, something happened sometime before Arceus was about to go into his slumber to leave Aavin and the other mythics and legendaries to their own accord. Aavin betrayed Arceus. A war broke out. Something Arceus's hadn't realized, was that Aavin never betrayed him. Aavin was being controlled...but by what? No one can be sure.

Giratina arrived, just in time, to help Arceus out. Aavin had been able to persuade Palkia and Dialga that Arceus was the one who wasn't himself.

Giratina was able to get Palkia and Dialga out of Aavin's control. Arceus dealt with Aavin.

It was a hard fought battle, but, Arceus's prevailed. From the misunderstanding of Aavin's betrayal...Arceus sealed Aavin away into an eternal slumber.

~~~Story Ends~~~

"Whoa, so what happened to Aavin after that?" Clemont asked

"Aavin's remained in slumber since," I lied at the end

"But this is Aavin's chamber, right? People have to have remembered!" Serena argued

I shrugged, "even so, almost no one comes here because some never noticed it, like you guys, until now. Very few even remember, if they do. Like I said, Aavin is still sealed to this day, you need two keys to open up the seal...," I told them

"Where are the keys? How do you know about it?" Bonnie asked

"That's where I keep my mouth reasons. It's not that I don't trust you...I just can't. Also, I've known about this my whole life. My...uh, family! My family protects this chamber," I made up a lie on the spot

"Also, Ketchum, I heard about your friend N. I'll help you find him if you want. Where should we start?" I asked, not realizing I just dug myself into a bigger hole

"Oh okay, and you can just call me Ash! We're friends now right? It'd be cool for you to help us find N! We were going to start in Arceus's chambers!" Ash stated

"Hey, before we go. Why are your pupils blue, Asrar? And what's up with the blue specks in your hair?" Clemont asked, curious

"Oh, my eyes are because of my family's connection to protecting Aavin's seal. And the blue specks are because I just like them," I lied once more

"Oh and back o Ash's question. Um. Okay. Totally, no problem. Let's go," I replied to Ash's earlier question

"Alright then let's go guys!" Ash shouted

As we came up to the entrance of the chamber, I stopped as the others continued to walk, Drakian following behind them.

"Hey! What's up Asrar? You coming?" Ash asked

"Uh. I forgot to," I took a deep breath

"I can't leave this place...," I revealed

"What?! Why?" Clemont asked

"I need to stay guard. I've had Drakian go out and buy some food for the both of us. Drakian will go with you! Then he'll come back to me to update me about how you're doing!" I suggested

"Oh...okay then. Don't worry we'll take care of Drakian! See you later! We'll be right next door! Shout if you have any ideas of where N could be!" Ash said as they went to Arceus's chambers

"Drakian, keep in touch with me...," I told Drakian

"Got it...." he replied, and they were gone

I sighed, "what have I gotten myself into?"
To Be Continued...

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