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Callisto's POV

"So be honest with me", I smiled "why did you follow me out? You don't in particularly like me, you've made that pretty clear."
Adrianus sighed in irritation.

"Once again, you shouldn't be roaming around in a place you're unfamiliar with. Anything could happen, and we don't need unnecessary drama, especially in a place where the majority isn't familiar with."

I kept quiet. For once, the silence was killing me.

"Oh, and you've been here before?" I challenged.

"Yeah, I've been around I guess, did stuff I've shouldn't. I have lived a bit.", Adrianus stated nonchalantly.

My stomach churned.

"What... what did you do?", I asked, unsure of wanting to hear the answer.

"Well, I was young, and a lot more stupid than I am currently..."

I chuckled, remembering how I insulted him with regards to intelligence.

"... I went to a party where experimenting with alcohol was cool, during my school days. I endulged in the antics, and it ruined me in the end. I regret it, and it's for that reason I'm just a lawyer. I'm a lawyer, but I could've been so much more."

I looked at him, and felt a small amount of sympathy tug at my heart.

" Well Cal, you don't seem like fun and games, what was your high school days like?"

He clearly did not want to reveal anymore about himself.

"Well, you are right, I didn't do anything exciting in highschool. I attended the dances once or twice, but I was not satisfied. It wasn't  enough for me. I invested my time studying, it helped me to get away from my parents fighting..."

I kept quiet, I did not enjoy those days. I remember my dad coming home late, my mother inquiring his whereabouts, the tears, the screams. I shivered at the thought.

Adrianus seemed to notice, and pull his sweater over his head and drape it around my shoulders.

"Why did you do that? Not that I'm saying it isnt kind of you, I guess I'm just really surprised."

Adrianus smiled genuinely.

"I know I come across and a confident and cocky ass, but I do how to treat a girl properly. Besides, you shivered. Penny for your thoughts, Callisto?"

"Nothing really, I'm thinking about how drastically my life has changed."

We both fell into a comfortable silence. We looked at each other and smiled. Despite being so different, we both radieted happiness. I think this will be a start to an interesting, yet beautiful friendship.

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