Chapter 1

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"We could go on a roadtrip!" Hinata exclaimed excitedly, shaking in his seat.
"No, we're n-" Tsukishima began, but Suga quickly cut him off.
"Yes! That sounds perfect! It'll be perfect bonding time for us all!" He agreed, clasping his hands together.
"Suga, as much as I admire your judgement, and you're almost never wrong, have you taken expenses into account?" Daichi asked, which dulled Hinata's excitement and made Suga look at the ground, finger on his chin in contemplation.
"Well, the school said that we have $5000 right?" Kageyama asked, glancing around at the rest of the group.
"Yeah! That should be plenty for all of us!" Hinata shouted, jumping out of his chair.
"Hinata, I admire your enthusiasm, but it isn't that simple, even if each room had two beds, that's still four rooms if we want each person to have their own bed, even then two people would have to share a bed."
"Then we'll share beds." Nishinoya suggested.
"Ok, well, food, gas, activity, and rental expenses-"
"We have the bus, it's fully air-conditioned and has always fit us all just fine." Suga interrupted him.
"Suga are you feeling ok? You never interrupt anyone, let alone Daichi..." Asahi asked, concern laced in his voice.
"I really want to do this Asahi, this is our last year here, don't you think it's important to savor our last few weeks here? Especially considering that you'll be leaving your two best friends?" When Suga used the friendship card on Asahi, Hinata knew he was serious. Apparently Daichi understood that too, because he looked at Suga, who was sitting to his left and sighed.
"Ok, we can go, but you'll all have to bring as much as possible for yourself, food, entertainment, pillows and blankets for the bus," Daichi explained, laying down his requirements.
"That sounds good to me!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.
"Well, if you guys are ok with it, I guess I am too, I'll see you all tomorrow, Suga and I will work out dates and money things tonight." Daichi said, dismissing the team to do what they'd like for the rest of the day. Hinata ran into the locker room, stripping 2/we -2dThen he shoved the dirty clothes in a plastic bag and put that bag inside his gym bag, getting ready to leave. By that point, everyone else had joined him, and Kageyama was finishing up as well.
"Bye Noya~Senpai! Bye Asahi~Senpai! Bye Tanaka~Senpai! Bye Suga~Senpai! Bye Daichi~Senpai!" Hinata bid them all farewell separately, then slipped out of the locker room, closely followed by Kageyama. Hinata slipped his hand into Kageyama's and they left the gym peacefully, Hinata swinging their entwined fingers around aimlessly while talking about the day's practice. Neither heard nor realises that the door to the locker room had been opened as they left, and Suga had witnessed as Hinata stood up on his tip Aw toes and kissed Kageyama on the cheek as they left.
Later that evening, Hinata could be found sitting at his desk, writing in his notebook, a list of things to bring on the trip.
"Clothes... Shoes... Socks... Shampoo... Conditioner... Hairbrush... Jacket... Hmmm... I don't think I have a light jacket that isn't permanently stained with sweat." He thought out loud, grabbing his phone from the side and calling Kageyama.
"Hello?" Kageyama asked when he picked duo the phone.
"Hi hi Tobio~Chan!" Hinata exclaimed joyfully when he heard Kageyama's voice.
"Hello Shouyo, what's up?" He asked.
"Well, I was going through my wardrobe and I've realised that I don't have any light jackets for the trip and I was wondering if I could borrow one of yours?" Hinata responded, clicking his own nervously.
"Oh sure, I don't mind." Kageyama agreed, the slight smile that appeared on his mouth could be heard in his voice when it went an octive higher.
"Yeah! We'll be sitting together right? Like normal?" Hinata asked.
"Of course Shouyo." Kageyama reassured him.
"Cool! That means we'll only need one blanket, and I'll bring mine since your bringing me a jacket!" Hinata exclaimed, pulling his phone away from his ear and turning on the FaceTime feature. When Kageyama joined, by he looks of it sitting on his bed, Hinata waved at him excitedly.
"We should get all of this worked out now, plus you can help me remember everything!" Hinata explained, picking up his pen to write again.
"Ok, well, did you put down swimsuit? I was talking to Suga earlier today, he said that there would be a pool at the hotel he and Daichi were eyeing." Kageyama added, leaning over to grab a notebook and pen for himself. Listing the necessities.
"Nope! But thanks for telling me Tobio!" Hinata exclaimed, scribbling it down.
After a few hours, they were still talking, not being able to stay on track as they listed things. Now Hinata was glancing aimlessly around his room, looking for anything worth taking.
"Should I bring-" Kageyama cut him off .
"Shouyo, don't think we've listed enough? There are already over 20 items on our list." He pointed out, to which Hinata pouted, but he agreed, shutting his notebook and flopping back on his bed, which he'd moved to a while ago, and tossing the notebook and pen onto his desk.
"Yeah, you're right, are you sleepy Tobio, or can we talk longer?" Hinata asked. Kageyama shook his head, smiling at the small ginger on the other side of the screen.
"No, we can talk a little longer, it's not like I really have many plans for tomorrow." He explained, leaning back as well.
"Oh good! I really enjoy talking to you Tobi..." Hinata exclaimed, blushing and looking away slightly. Kageyama smiled to himself.
"I really enjoy talking to you too Shou..." He said. The boys had been dating for a couple of months at that point, but neither had told their parents, or their teammates. It was just between the two of them, but they planned to choose that soon.

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