Chapter 16

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(And now I offer dancing Kagehina)

Truth or Dare pt. 2

Once everyone was settled back in, and were finished gawking over their respective boyfriends, the game continued forward and it was Tendou to speak up this time.
"Question for everyone, how many hearts have you broken?" He giggled excitedly and leaned into his boyfriend, laying back to wait.
"Oh goooood!" Oikawa groaned and fell back into his boyfriend's side, covering his face. Hanamaki and Matsukawa practically cackled at the boy's response and Iwaizumi smirked and tightened his grip on Oikawa's waist.
"Come on! The whole fan club was sobbing when Iwa and I accidentally kissed on the court that one time! I didn't even think I just kissed him and they were sobbing like they had lost their grandparents!" Practically everyone else in the room cackled then as Oikawa buried his face in his hands and blushed bright red.
"We know you've broken too many to count so whatever," Tendou teased then turned to look straight at Shoyo, "You must be quite the heartbreaker," he suggests, and Hinata looks at his Senpai confused.
"What do you mean?" Hinata asked cutely, nose scrunched in confusion, drawing groans of exasperation out of his entire team, and a fuming anger was radiating off of his boyfriend. He looked up at Kageyama, confusion still painted across his face. His boyfriend huffed and flicked his forehead. "You need psychology glasses, so you can see people's feelings, that's the only way you'll ever know." Kageyama grunted and Hinata huffed in annoyance and looked at Suga helplessly.
"Suga mama! What is he sayinggg!" Hinata complained and Suga sighed loudly and shook his head.
"Shoyo, honey, your personality instigates extensive attraction from copious amounts of people," he explained, and Hinata narrowed his eyes.
"Don't use big words to make me feel bad so I'll stop asking, that's mean," Suga was actually surprised at Hinata's response, he'd never realized the first year saw what he did, and immediately felt bad.
"What he's saying Chibi-Chan, is that your personality draws a lot of attention to you, and the pure joy you radiate attracts people, lots of people," Oikawa explained, still set happily in Iwaizumi's lap, not that the spiker seemed to mind. Hinata screwed his face up, still confused.
"Do you mean people crush on me a lot?" He asked and Kageyama groaned.
"Yes dumbass! Why wouldn't they?" Hinata looked at his boyfriend in shock at the straight forward statement.
"What an interesting thing for you to say Kageyama," Tendou teased from across the circle and Kageyama's eyes suddenly snapped up, "Do you mind elaborating on that statement?" Kageyama had to force down the blush by invisioning Tsukishima's face, couldn't blush thinking about that after all. He then shut his mouth which had fallen open before, and made eye contact with the lanky blocker.
"Ah- I..." he stuttered, "I mean, am I wrong? I can look only at you and see three people who have crushed on him in my peripheral," Lageyama pointed out, gesturing vaguely around Tendou. Hinata swatted at Kageyama.
"Don't be silly theyre all in relationships!" He exclaimed and Kageyama groaned.
"Hinata, just because people are in a relationship doesn't mean they don't crush," Suga pointed out, causing the redhead to whip around to look at his senpai.
"Yeah! It just means they're committed to that one person, having a crush doesn't mean you don't love your partner ten times more," Oikawa confirmed, and Hinata whipped around to look at him.
"I don't know, I'd feel really guilty..." Hinata explained, looking down at his hands. Kageyama kept in his usual expression of love that captured him when Hinata acted like this.
"It's only guilty if you keep it a secret, Iwa-Chan has known of all of my crushes since the beginning of our relationship," Oikawa patted Iwaizumi's broad chest, "Plus, crushes aren't always a big deal, they don't tend to last very long. Especially with you," Iwaizumi pinched his boyfriend's arm and shot him a glare.
"I'm only saying that Hinata is adorable and enthusiastic, but after a while not many people can see him as anything more than a friend to them," Iwaizumi sighed and fell backward as Hinata looked down at his lap looking sad. Kageyama leaned forward and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, leaving it there to assure his boyfriend.
"Hinata, that wording was awful, youre wonderful, and there is nothing about that is unattractive, but what Oikawa is trying to say is that although you are very cute, the crush someone may have on you is not strong enough to overcome their own love for their partner. Hinata's eyes lit up in realization and he nodded eagerly.
"Wait! But Hama said that he could look at Tendou and see three people who have crushed on me! How many of you have crushed on me!?" He asked in shock, blushing when he saw the amount of averted eyes.
"In our defense Hinata, you are really cute," Koganegawa muttered from across the circle and Hinata gawked. Aone gave a short nod that also threw Hinata into the loop.
"No way!" He exclaimed, leaning forward, "Who else!?" Hinata watched as Hands rose all over the room. Lev, Kenma, Aone, Koganegawa, Oikawa, Noya, Hinata was stunned and he sat up straight and snapped his mouth shut.
"I really am oblivious..." he muttered and Kageyama huffed annoyed behind him, Hinata held back a smile as he remembered Suga's remark about Kageyama's possessiveness from a couple days before.
"Well, if people get over me, I don't break hearts so ha!" Hinata exclaimed and may everyone just shrugged in agreement, muttering "That's fair" and "Makes sense,". The question was mostly forgotten, and the conversation drifted for a couple of minutes until Hanamaki spoke up from Matsukawa's lap.
"Alright, well here's a good one, how well do you think you hold your alcohol?" He said, zeroing in on Oikawa. Said captain groaned again and threw a stray pillow at his friend.
"Why do you do this to me!?" Makki and Mattsun were practically cackling hilariously, clearly far too excited. Hinata hummed in acknowledgement, genuinely putting thought into the question.
"I think I could handle my alcohol pretty well..." he muttered, drawing a loud laugh out of both Kageyama and Tsukishima.
"Hinata, you're 5'4! You could drink a can of lite beer and be off the handle!" Koganegawa remarked from across the group and while everyone began to laugh both Aone and Futakuchi turned to look at their Kohai in disbelief, though Futakuchi's expression was considerably more dramatic than his boyfriend's.
"How do you know how alcohol works!?" Futakuchi exclaimed, clearly upset.
"Futakuchi, I get that you're like super protective of the kid and you think that he's some kind of innocent baby, but I have been to many a party that Koganegawa was present for," Noya pointed out, drawing a dramatic gasp out of Futakuchi and an uncharacteristic grouchy grunt from Aone. Hinata looked at Aone for a moment and sighed.
"You two can't baby him forever, c'mon Aone, he's almost an adult like you," Hinata reminded his tall friend, drawing the man's stoic features to look at him seriously, but Hinata could see the twinkle of guilt in his eye.
"Besides, Koganegawa is responsible, he knows what he can handle," Hinata turned to look at his friend and the setter grinned and nodded, smiling at Hinata from across the circle. Aone grunted in mindless annoyance and Hinata let out a chuckle while Futakuchi grumbled and curled back into his boyfriend's side.
"He's right, though, Hinata could never handle his alcohol." Tsukishima pointed out, pulling an indignant squawk out of Hinata.
"Tsukishima you don't even know me!" He exclaimed and the blonde practically cackled.
"Hinata, you're five foot four, your stomach couldn't handle the toxins of alcohol." Hinata grumbled and leaned back into Kageyama. The taller chuckled and pat his head.
"Noya-San, next time you go to a party will you bring me?" Hinata asked and Noya huffed in annoyance.
"I've tried multiple times Hinata, but every time I ask you've already got plans with Kageyama," The second year grumbled and Hinata looked at his boyfriend thoughtfully.
"Why don't you just invite me to the party?" Kageyama asks and Hinata shrugs.
"I know you're not much of a party person, and I don't want to just leave you behind for a party." He muttered the last part, and Kageyama had to hide another blush, not that he was convinced it was working. Hopefully everyone was too tired to pay much attention. Kageyama huffed and shoved at Hinata.
"I'd come if you asked me, as long as you don't abandon me halfway through." He explained and Hinata giggled.
"Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

(Please go look at my conversation board for a VERY IMPORTANT update on this book. If it ends up deleted I don't want you to be surprised but I don't want to explain here.)

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