Chapter 13

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Hinata beat Kageyama by a total of 2 seconds, it was
his favorite part of the day. Upon reaching the top of the steps, Kageyama grunted in annoyance and pulled Hinata into the nearest room.
"This one ours then?" Hinata asked and Kageyama nodded thoughtfully while he looked at the predecorated home.
"Who even needs a house this big?" He questioned, and Hinata giggled.
"You said yourself your grandparents did," he pointed out and Kageyama sent him a glare.
"They complained about it all the time, about how empty it was, but they'd already brought the entire property, so they stayed. My grandfather always told me that he wished he hadn't been so quick to spend their money. I didn't understand that for a long time, they'd saved up for years, but he was so unhappy there. But I've realized now that I'm older that he was regretting spending his money on something that doesn't benefit him, I don't spend a lot of time there for that reason specifically." He explained, all long winded and hard to comprehend for Hinata's ADHD mind. Once he did he took a deep breath and leaned into Kageyama, wrapping his arms around his chest.
"You are literally the cutest person alive," Hinata grumbled and Kageyama let's out a dry laugh.
"You said Kenma was cuter than me, and Koganegawa, and Suga, and Shirabu," he pointed out teasingly, a soft smile on his features. Hinata huffed.
"That's based on general appearance Yama, you know that you're at the top of that list based on my genuine opinion, but I have to pretend to be unbiased." Hinata explains and Kageyama rolls his eyes.
"I am not cute Boke," he insists and Hinata almost dies laughing at the ridiculous words.
"Oh please! You've got you're cute pouting face right now! And when you-" Kageyama cut off Hinata's oncoming rant with a hand over his mouth, listening as he heard approaching footsteps. He could hear the excited giggles of Koganegawa and Goshiki, along with the nervous giggles of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima's huffs of annoyance. He glared at Hinata and pulled him further into the room so they could sit down on the queen sized bed. He tucked his chin into the crook of Hinata's neck and breathed in the scent of his coconut shampoo. Hinata hummed and leaned back into Kageyama's chest.
"You're being clingy today..." he muttered and Kageyama let out another protesting huff.
"What of it?" He asked and Hinata giggled.
"Why?" He asked and Kageyama fell back on the bed, pulling Hinata with him.
"Cause there's so many people who know you and l or you and hug you and yours always smiling at them and I don't like it, I wish they knew that smile was mine..." Hinata huffed in annoyance, rolling over in Kageyama's arms to poke his cheek.
"Stupid Yama, I'm yours and you know it," he scolded and Kageyama looked away as a blush covered his cheeks.
"I know that Boke, but they don't, I don't want anyone getting any ideas."
"Tobi, practically everyone is in relationships. Semi and Shirabu, Ushijima and Tendou, Kenma and Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto, Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Daichi and Suga, clearly, Tsuki and Yama, Goshiki and Koganegawa, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, Yaku and Lev, Kinoshita and Narita, Me and You," Hinata put his hands on Kageyama's cheeks.
"Kindaichi and Kunimi aren't in a relationship, or Noya or Tanaka, or Asahi, or Ennoshita, and believe it or not, I asked Iwaizumi Senpai, Hanamaki and Matsukawa aren't dating, or at least they're not out to anyone as dating." He pointed out and buried his face in Hinata's neck. Hinata rolled his eyes and started running his fingers through Kageyama's hair.
"You know, the way your acting it seems like the only way to calm this is to tell them..." Hinata pointed out and Kageyama sighed loudly.
"I know..." he muttered and tightened his grip on Hinata's waist, "I'm too selfish to keep secrets..." he grunted and Hinata let out a loud laugh.
"We could tell them... if youre okay with it," He suggested and Kageyama took a deep breath.NJ hi I've
"Six people know already," he pointed out and Hinata nodded thoughtfully.
"We could tell the rest of them," he said and Kageyama sighed.
"Not all of them at once, that's way too much for me to handle," he said and Hinata nodded.
"So we tell them slowly, the people you're more comfortable with first and slowly we tell everyone, hopefully by the end of the trip, we'll have it done, if not, we just keep going yeah?" Kageyama huffed and nodded, leaning back against the headboard.
"I don't wanna tell Noya or Tanaka at all," he grunted and Hinata let out a roaring laugh.
"Tobi, come on, they may be hard to get along with sometimes, but they care about us!" He exclaimed and Kageyama shook his head.
"No, I refuse to tell either of them until they've gotten their own shit together," Hinata sighed.
"Yamayama, that isn't fair," he muttered. Kageyama looked away.
"Why not?" He asked and Hinata swatted at him.
"We both know that Noya Senpai is scared of starting anything with Asahi because he's leaving, and vice versa!" Kageyama pouted slightly and Hinata grabbed his face, forcing the setter to look at him.
"Tobi, we've got to tell all of them, and you know it, but I understand, we'll tell the ones you trust most first, yeah?" Kageyama nodded and Hinata hummed in agreement.
"Alright, it's decided then, let's take a nap, I'm tired," Hinata huffed and Kageyama laughed as he wrapped his arms around Hinata's shoulders.
"How about we play some video games?" Hinata cocked his head to the right and Kageyama nodded to his suitcase by the door.
"When did you have time to bring that up here?" It's not very big or heavy," he pointed out and Hinata huffed.
"Yama, it's the same height as my thighs!" Kageyama chuckled.
"Hinata, that only reaches my knees!" Hinata grunted and swatted at Kageyama's chest before sitting up, straddling Kageyama's waist, who sat up and put his hands on Hinata's hips. He lifted the spiker off his lap easily and marched over to his suitcase, pulling out his Nintendo switch, the one with custom orange and blue controllers. He connected the game to the tv and handed Hinata the orange control as he moved to select animal crossing on the TV, Hinata was obsessed with making an aesthetically pleasing island in the game.
"Yay!" He giggled excitedly and plopped himself into Kageyama's lap as they both ran around checking on their favorite villagers. Hinata's was the horse Roscoe, and Kageyama's was the rabbit, Bunnie. Kageyama huffed and leaned his head forward onto Hinata's shoulder, lazily clicking around with his controller.

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